Tuesday, March 3, 2015


MARCH 2, 2015


Finding and eliminating the toxic chemicals known as polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, contained in some fluorescent light ballasts in schools is the priority recommendation of a plan released today by the Washington departments of Health and Ecology.

Although federal law banned PCBs in 1979, there are widespread reservoirs of this toxic chemical in fluorescent light ballasts, old caulk, electrical transformers, and paint. In addition, new PCBs are generated as byproducts of some manufacturing processes, such as making pigments and dyes. 

PCBs are persistent in the environment, build up in the food chain, and can cause adverse health effects in humans and wildlife, including cancer and harm to immune, nervous, and reproductive systems. Light ballasts are a particular concern because they can fail, dripping PCB-laden oil in classrooms and other public areas – although they do not pose an immediate health risk if they are not leaking. 

As much as 3,300 pounds of PCBs a year in Washington may be released from light ballasts, although there needs to be more research on how many PCB-containing ballasts are still in use. Some school districts have replaced these light fixtures, but there is no complete census of where they are or how many still remain. Washington’s Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction has a program that assists local schools in replacing these PCB-containing light fixtures with more energy-efficient lighting. 

“Getting decades-old light ballasts that contain PCBs out of schools and away from kids is an investment in the future of our state,” said State Superintendent Randy Dorn. “It protects our students, protects the environment, reduces electricity use, saves money and produces higher-quality lighting. It’s a smart move every step of the way.” 

Along with replacing PCB-containing light ballasts, the plan recommends a number of other measures to prevent PCBs from getting into the environment, such as taking additional precautions when demolishing old buildings. The plan also calls for more environmental monitoring for PCBs and additional research on how PCBs are generated as manufacturing byproducts.

“We need to clean up the remaining sources of PCBs that pollute our water and fish,” said Maia Bellon, Ecology’s director. “This plan gives us a playbook to do just that, protecting the environment and the health of our kids.”

Ecology and Health developed the PCB plan with input from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, local governments, businesses, and health and environmental organizations.

“Widespread toxic pollution is an invisible threat to the health of people in Washington, especially our kids,” said Secretary of Health John Wiesman. “We must continue to find and remove these sources of toxics, including PCBs. This plan will continue that work and help to prevent health effects for generations to come.”

This is Washington’s fifth chemical action plan. Previous plans have addressed toxic chemicals such as lead, mercury and the flame retardant polybrominated diphenyl ether. Like PCBs, these chemicals stick around in the environment and accumulate in people and animals.

Governor Jay Inslee is proposing to expand Washington’s chemical action plan system to deal with these widespread toxic chemicals more comprehensively. Gov. Inslee’s budget proposal includes funding for the recommendations in the PCB plan, expanding OSPI’s energy efficiency grant program and a number of other measures to support eliminating toxic chemicals and preventing pollution in Washington communities.


What are Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)?

PCBs are a group of 209 manmade compounds that generally occur as complex mixtures. While historically the largest use of PCBs was in electrical equipment, there are many other sources of PCBs. PCBs are very persistent, lasting for decades in the environment. Like other persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic chemicals, PCBs move easily between air, water and land, so they are found throughout Washington. PCBs also accumulate in people and animals, becoming more concentrated in organisms at the top of the food chain like orcas.
One of the major ways people are exposed to PCBs is through our diet, such as eating fish that contain PCBs. PCBs have been shown to have toxic effects to the immune, reproductive, nervous, and endocrine system in humans and other organisms. PCBs also cause cancer in animals, and are considered likely to cause cancer in humans.

Bioaccumulation of PCBs

PCBs were produced for commercial uses from about 1929 to 1977. The 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act bans certain uses and restricts PCB concentrations to low levels. The largest use of PCBs was for heat transfer fluids in electrical transformers and capacitors. PCBs were also used as plasticizers, wax and pesticide extenders, and lubricants. Many products used to contain PCBs at high levels, such as carbonless copy paper and caulk used to seal cracks in homes and buildings.
PCBs are still found in old products produced before commercial production of PCBs ended, such as in electrical transformers. They can also be found in new products either as a contaminant or intentionally added below regulated levels. There is still inadvertent production of PCBs during manufacturing of chemicals such as dyes and pigments. 

PCB Chemical Action Plan
In 2015, the Washington departments of Ecology and Health released a chemical action plan to guide our state's strategy to find and remove PCBs, and reduce exposure to this toxic chemical. Although a great deal of work has already been done to reduce PCBs, this plan identifies important gaps that need to be filled in order to protect people and the environment. Ecology worked with stakeholders to identify these gaps and prioritize measures to reduce the risk posed by this toxic chemical in Washington.

The departments of Ecology and Health will continue their existing programs, such as cleanup, permitting, stormwater management, and fish advisories. The following recommendations are for new actions to reduce PCBs:

  • Identify PCB-containing lamp ballasts in schools and other public buildings. Encourage replacement with more energy-efficient PCB-free fixtures.
  • Develop and promote best management practices to contain PCBs in building materials, both in structures currently in use and those slated for remodel or demolition.
  • Assess schools and other public buildings for the presence of PCB-containing building materials.
  • Learn more about what products contain PCBs and promote the use of processes that don't inadvertently generate PCBs. Start with an alternatives assessment for pigments and dyes.
  • Expand environmental monitoring to identify new areas requiring cleanup and investigate air deposition.
  • Conduct a public education campaign.
  • Conduct a study on PCBs in Washington residents to prioritize future actions.

Read a summary of the report, or read the full PCB Chemical Action Plan.