April 6th, 2015 3:15 pm ET -
Jessica Ramsey, MS, CPE and Kristin Musolin, DO, MS
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) of the upper extremities
among poultry processing employees are well documented (Lipscomb et al.
2008; Cartwright et al. 2012). The combination of highly repetitive
tasks, forceful movements and working in cold temperatures can increase
risk for MSDs such as carpal tunnel syndrome, a disabling medical
condition affecting the hands and wrists. In 2014, the National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) was asked to
perform a Health Hazard Evaluation at a poultry processing plant in Maryland
NIOSH evaluated all employees working in receiving, picking, and evisceration at the plant and randomly selected a sample of employees from the debone direct and thigh line departments to participate in the assessment. Researchers found that 59% of the jobs evaluated, including all jobs in evisceration, involved levels of hand repetition and force over the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists’ (ACGIH) action limit. These conditions put workers at increased risk for carpal tunnel syndrome and other MSDs. Jobs involving repetition and force at or above the action limit should be redesigned or use automation or other engineering (and/or administrative) controls to prevent MSDs.
NIOSH researchers found that 76% of tested employees had abnormal results from a nerve conduction test while 34% had evidence of carpal tunnel syndrome. To meet the case definition of carpal tunnel syndrome, employees had to meet all of the following criteria: 1) pain, numbness, burning, tingling in the hands or wrists, occurring more than three times or lasting 7 days or longer in the past 12 months, 2) marked or shaded the location of their symptoms in the median nerve distribution area on a hand symptom diagram, and 3) had abnormal median nerve conduction in the affected hand or wrist. The high prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome at this plant is not surprising given the literature on the topic as well as past NIOSH HHEs in poultry processing showing a link between carpal tunnel syndrome and levels of exposure to hand repetition and force above recommended limits.
Additionally, NIOSH reviewed the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) logs for 2010-2013. The plant’s rate of OSHA recordable work-related injuries and illnesses was above the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ poultry processing industry average for 2010 and 2011. Sprain, strain, pain, soreness, inflammation, or repetitive motion entries were the most common OSHA recordable injury at the plant in 2010, 2011, and 2013.
NIOSH recommended that the poultry processing company act to reduce the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome and other MSDs. Key recommendations for employers and employees follow.
Jessica Ramsey, MS, CPE Ms. Ramsey is an industrial hygienist and ergonomist in the NIOSH Hazard Evaluations and Technical Assistance Branch.
Kristin Musolin, DO, MS Dr. Musolin is a medical officer in the NIOSH Hazard Evaluations and Technical Assistance Branch.
42% of participants had evidence of carpal tunnel syndrome at a different poultry processing plant. Check the NIOSH web site for more information with links to resources to better protect workers.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued an ergonomics guideline
for the poultry processing industry in 2004 and revised it in 2013. To
develop the guidelines OSHA reviewed existing ergonomics practices and
programs, State OSHA programs, as well as available scientific
information. OSHA also met with stakeholders to gather information on
the ergonomic problems present in the poultry processing environment and
the practices that have been used successfully in the industry.
Lipscomb H, Kucera K, Epling C, Dement J [2008]. Upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms and disorders among a cohort of women employed in poultry processing. Am J Ind Med 51(1):24–36.
NIOSH evaluated all employees working in receiving, picking, and evisceration at the plant and randomly selected a sample of employees from the debone direct and thigh line departments to participate in the assessment. Researchers found that 59% of the jobs evaluated, including all jobs in evisceration, involved levels of hand repetition and force over the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists’ (ACGIH) action limit. These conditions put workers at increased risk for carpal tunnel syndrome and other MSDs. Jobs involving repetition and force at or above the action limit should be redesigned or use automation or other engineering (and/or administrative) controls to prevent MSDs.
NIOSH researchers found that 76% of tested employees had abnormal results from a nerve conduction test while 34% had evidence of carpal tunnel syndrome. To meet the case definition of carpal tunnel syndrome, employees had to meet all of the following criteria: 1) pain, numbness, burning, tingling in the hands or wrists, occurring more than three times or lasting 7 days or longer in the past 12 months, 2) marked or shaded the location of their symptoms in the median nerve distribution area on a hand symptom diagram, and 3) had abnormal median nerve conduction in the affected hand or wrist. The high prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome at this plant is not surprising given the literature on the topic as well as past NIOSH HHEs in poultry processing showing a link between carpal tunnel syndrome and levels of exposure to hand repetition and force above recommended limits.
Additionally, NIOSH reviewed the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) logs for 2010-2013. The plant’s rate of OSHA recordable work-related injuries and illnesses was above the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ poultry processing industry average for 2010 and 2011. Sprain, strain, pain, soreness, inflammation, or repetitive motion entries were the most common OSHA recordable injury at the plant in 2010, 2011, and 2013.
NIOSH recommended that the poultry processing company act to reduce the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome and other MSDs. Key recommendations for employers and employees follow.
- Implement the 2013 OSHA Guidelines for Poultry Processing and recommendations from poultry industry groups.
- Design job tasks so that levels of hand activity and force are below the action limit of the ACGIH.
- Reduce cone line speeds and use additional cone lines so job tasks are below the action limit of the ACGIH.
- Implement a rotation schedule to reduce stress to specific sets of muscles and tendons.
- Ensure that the knife change-out schedule is strictly followed.
- Provide more breaks during the work shift.
- Implement a standard process to evaluate employee symptoms. Provide appropriate treatment, work restrictions, and medical referrals.
What the Employer Can Do
- Report symptoms and injuries promptly to supervisors and onsite medical staff.
- Use only sharp knives for cutting. Keep knives sharp by using mousetraps frequently and changing knives on a regular basis.
- Adjust the standing platforms to the correct height for the task.
What Employees Can Do
Jessica Ramsey, MS, CPE Ms. Ramsey is an industrial hygienist and ergonomist in the NIOSH Hazard Evaluations and Technical Assistance Branch.
Kristin Musolin, DO, MS Dr. Musolin is a medical officer in the NIOSH Hazard Evaluations and Technical Assistance Branch.
More Information
NIOSH has conducted a number of investigations on a variety of hazards in the poultry processing industry including ergonomics, chlorine, flour dust, campylobacter, and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This is the second HHE recently that examined carpal tunnel syndrome among poultry processing workers. Last year, NIOSH foundThe Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued an ergonomics guideline
Cartwright MS, Walker FO, Blocker JN, Schulz MR, Arcury TA, Grzywacz JG, Mora D, Chen H, Marin AJ, Quandt SA [2012]. The prevalence of carpal tunnel syndrome in Latino poultry-processing workers and other Latino manual workers. J Occup Environ Med 54(2):198–201.Lipscomb H, Kucera K, Epling C, Dement J [2008]. Upper extremity musculoskeletal symptoms and disorders among a cohort of women employed in poultry processing. Am J Ind Med 51(1):24–36.