One man was injured when a
multi-million dollar crane that was used to perform repair operations tipped
over Friday morning, on August 8, 2014.
The Mower County Sheriff’s Office says a crane was working at a wind
turbine site near the intersection of County Road 8 and 180th
Street, about five miles south of Grand Meadow, when it tipped over at about
7:15 am. Authorities said the crane
tipped over on one end, and the impact crushed the cabin.
According to officials, the driver
did escape the tipped vehicle, but the man had to receive treatment at a
Rochester hospital. He reportedly was in
stable condition by the afternoon, and he did return home to Wisconsin the day
after he received medical attention. A
company spokesperson said the crew was involved in routine wind turbine repair
when the incident occurred. Somehow, an automatic safety
feature malfunctioned and the crane tipped over.
said no load was on the lift at the time it tipped over on end, but that the
machine had a boom of about 300-320 feet. A light wind was reported, but no heavy gusts
were noted.
The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration attempts to protect
workers in the wind energy from these sorts of terrible incidents. It has
several rules regulating the use of cranes and similar machinery while
constructing or repairing turbines. Here are a few key regulations:
- Cranes
and their controls must be inspected by a designated competent person
before they can be used.
- The
crane must rest on a firm, stable surface.
- There
must be at least 10 feet of safe working clearance from overhead electric
power lines.
Besides wind, other weather conditions can increase the risk of a work
site accident. Hydraulics in the crane can be affected by temperatures below 10
degrees Fahrenheit. Rain, snow and fog can also reduce a crane's lifting
capacity, as well as its stability on the ground. Water can seep into the
brakes or clutch, making safe operations potentially impossible.
Wind turbines generate electricity from wind, and are being
manufactured and installed all across the nation. Wind energy employers need to
protect their workers from workplace hazards and workers should be engaged in
workplace safety and health and need to understand how to protect themselves
from these hazards.
While this is a growing industry, the hazards are not unique and OSHA has many
standards that cover them. This page provides information about some of the
hazards that workers in the wind energy industry may face.
Hazards and Controls of the Wind Energy Industry
The most common hazards are:
Wind Energy workers are exposed to hazards that can result in fatalities and
serious injuries. Many incidents involving falls, severe burns from electrical
shocks and arc flashes/fires, and crushing injuries have been reported to OSHA.
Some examples are given below:
- On August 29, 2009 at 08:30
hours a 33-year-old male lineman was shocked as he grasped a trailer ramp
attached to a low boy trailer containing an excavator. The excavator was
being operated in anticipation of being off-loaded from the trailer. The
trailer was parked on a rural aggregate road adjacent to an access road
for a wind turbine generator. The excavator operator rotated the upper
works of the machine prior to moving the machine from the trailer. During
the rotation the boom contacted a 7,200 volt primary rural power line. The
power line was approximately 12 feet from the road with the trailer parked
approximately two feet from the road edge. The injured worker had entry
wounds in his hands and exit wounds in his feet. He was transported by
EMS, treated and admitted for observation at a local hospital. He was
discharged approximately 24 hours later and returned to work the following
- On 05/10/09, the victim was
working in the bottom power cabinet of a wind turbine. He was checking the
electrical connections and came into contact with a bus bar and arc flash
erupted, causing injury to the victim. Afterward the victim was taken to a
hospital by their technician and was met by the ambulance on the way.
After arriving at the hospital he was later transferred by med-vac to
another hospital in Oklahoma City and was treated for injuries. On
06/02/09, the company was notified by a representative of the hospital
that the victim was deceased.
- On November 11, 2005, worker #1
and two coworkers were removing and replacing a broken bolt in the nacelle
assembly of a wind turbine tower that was approximately 200 feet above the
ground. They were heating the bolt with an oxygen-acetylene torch when a
fire started. Worker #1 retreated to the rear of the nacelle, away from
the ladder access area. While the two coworkers were able to descend the
tower, Worker #1 fell approximately 200 feet to the ground, struck an
electrical transformer box, and was killed.
- At approximately 11:40 a.m. on
June 17, 1992, a worker attempted to descend an 80 ft. ladder that
accessed a wind turbine generator. The worker slipped or fell from the
ladder and was killed. The victim was wearing his company-furnished safety
belt, but the safety lanyards were not attached. Both lanyards were later
discovered attached to their tie-off connection at the top of the turbine
- A site foreman was replacing a
480-volt circuit breaker serving a wind turbine. He turned a rotary switch
to what he thought was the open position in order to isolate the circuit
breaker. However, the worker did not test the circuit to ensure that it
wasdeenergized. The worker had placed the rotary switch in a closed
position, and the circuit breaker remained energized by back feed from a
transformer. Using two plastic-handled screwdrivers, the employee shorted
two contacts on the breaker to discharge static voltage buildup. This
caused a fault, and the resultant electric arc caused deep flash burns to
the worker's face and arms and ignited his shirt. The worker was
hospitalized in a burn unit for 4 days.

Additional information on wind energy can be found at the links below:
Green Job Hazards: Wind Energy - Falls
Workers who erect and maintain wind turbines can be exposed
to fall hazards. Wind turbines vary in height, but can be over 100 feet tall.
Exposure to high winds may make work at high elevations even more hazardous.
OSHA has different fall protection requirements for construction (installation
of towers) and general industry (maintenance).
During installation, workers may need to access individual turbine sections to
weld/fit individual sections together, run electrical or other lines, and
install/test equipment - often at heights greater than 100 feet. Construction
workers on wind farms when exposed to fall distances of 6 feet or more must be
protected from falls by using one of the following methods:
Maintenance work involving wind turbines is generally considered to fall under
OSHA’s general industry standards. Such workers when exposed to fall hazards of
4 feet or more must be
protected by a standard railing. If such a railing is not possible then the
workers must be protected from falls through the use of personal
protective equipment such as a personal fall arrest system or a
safety net.
Additionally, general industry workers engaged in
maintenance of the wind turbines may have to climb up the turbine towers using fixed ladders. While
climbing a fixed ladder (exceeding 20 feet in length) on these towers, a ladder
equipped with a cage or well must have a landing platform every 30 feet; a
ladder not so equipped must have a landing platform every 20 feet. See 29 CFR 1910.27(d)(2).
Ladder safety devices may be used on wind tower ladders over 20 feet in
unbroken length in lieu of cage protection. No landing platform is required in
these cases. See 29 CFR 1910.27(d)(5).

Some additional resources on fall protection are provided below:
Green Job Hazards: Wind Energy - Confined Spaces
During manufacturing of equipment, wind energy employers
need to look at the spaces that workers enter to determine if they meet OSHA’s
definition of a confined space. By
definition, a confined space:
- Is large enough for an employee
to enter fully and perform assigned work;
- Is not designed for continuous
occupancy by the employee; and
- Has a limited or restricted
means of entry or exit.
Some confined spaces have recognized
hazards, such as low oxygen environments, which can pose a risk for
asphyxiation, or accumulation of hazardous gases. These confined spaces are
called permit-required confined spaces and require additional safety.
Wind energy employers also need to look at the hazards of the confined spaces
to determine whether those spaces are “permit-required” confined spaces (PRCS).
By definition, a PRCS has one or more of these characteristics:
- Contains or has the potential
to contain a hazardous atmosphere;
- Contains a material with the
potential to engulf someone who enters the space;
- Has an internal configuration
that might cause an entrant to be trapped or asphyxiated by inwardly
converging walls or by a floor that slopes downward and tapers to a
smaller cross section; and/or
- Contains any other recognized
serious safety or health hazards.

If workers are expected to enter
permit-required confined spaces, the employer must develop a written permit space
program and make it available to workers or their representatives. The permit space program
must detail the steps to be taken to make the space safe for entry.
The configuration of all Nacelles will classify them as confined spaces and
during the maintenance activities inside the Nacelles, workers may be exposed
to hazards from electrical motors, gears, etc. Those hazards may classify a
Nacelle to be a PRCS. Technicians working in Nacelles should make sure to
perform air sampling (such as for low oxygen levels or other hazardous gases)
prior to entering a Nacelle. It is recommended that the technician should
always carry a portable gas monitor in their toolkit and make sure that it is
maintained properly.
For further information on confined space hazards, OSHA's page on Confined Spaces
should be consulted.
Some additional resources on confined spaces are provided below:
Green Job Hazards: Wind Energy - Lockout/Tagout
"Lockout/Tagout (LOTO)"
refers to specific practices and procedures to safeguard employees from the unexpected
energization or startup of machinery and equipment, or the release of hazardous
energy during service or maintenance activities.
Approximately 3 million workers service equipment and face the greatest risk of
injury if lockout/tagout is not properly implemented. Compliance with the
lockout/tagout standard prevents an estimated 120 fatalities and 50,000
injuries each year. Workers injured on the job from exposure to hazardous
energy lose an average of 24 workdays for recuperation. In a study conducted by
the United Auto Workers (UAW), 20% of the fatalities (83 of 414) that occurred
among their members between 1973 and 1995 were attributed to inadequate
hazardous energy control procedures, specifically lockout/tagout procedures.
Wind turbines have lots of internal machinery and equipment, including blades
that need to be maintained. Workers performing servicing or maintenance may be
exposed to injuries from the unexpected energization, startup of the machinery
or equipment, or release of stored energy in the equipment. Wind farm employers
must implement lockout/tagout procedures outlined in OSHA standards. See 29 CFR
1910.269(d) and 29 CFR 1910.147.
The following are some of the significant requirements of a Lockout/Tagout
procedure required under a Lockout/Tagout program.

- Only authorized employees may
lockout or tagout machines or equipment in order to perform servicing or
- Lockout devices (locks) and
tagout devices shall not be used for any other purposes and must be used
only for controlling energy.
- Lockout and Tagout devices
(locks and tags) must identify the name of the worker applying the device.
- All energy sources to equipment
must be identified and isolated.
- After the energy is isolated
from the machine or equipment, the isolating device(s) must be locked out
or tagged out in safe or off position only by the authorized employees.
- Following the application of
the lockout or tagout devices to the energy isolating devices, the stored
or residual energy must be safely discharged or relieved.
- Prior to starting work on the
equipment, the authorized employee shall verify that the equipment is
isolated from the energy source, for example, by operating the on/off
switch on the machine or equipment.
- Lock and tag must remain on the
machine until the work is completed.
- Only the authorized employee
who placed the lock and tag must remove his/her lock or tag, unless the
employer has a specific procedure as outlined in OSHA's Lockout/Tagout
Some additional general resources on
Lockout/Tagout are provided below:
Green Job Hazards: Wind Energy - Fires
Wind turbines may have fire hazards
because of the electrical parts and the combustible materials such as
insulation or the material of construction used in the turbine housing
(Nacelle) or lubricants involved in its operation.
Wind energy employers should train
workers about fire hazards at the worksite and about what to do in a fire
emergency. This plan should outline the assignments of key personnel in the
event of a fire and provide an evacuation plan for workers on the wind
turbines. Where employers require workers to use portable
fire extinguishers, workers must be trained in the general principle
of fire extinguisher use and the hazards involved with incipient stage fire
Workers should be made aware that
while fighting initial fires, toxic gases can be generated and oxygen can be
depleted inside Nacelles, and they can be exposed to such gases or can be
asphyxiated from lack of oxygen.
If the employer chooses to use a
fixed extinguishing system inside Nacelles, then the freezing point of the
extinguishing medium and the safety of workers (exposure to toxic gases and
depletion of oxygen) including emergency escape method should taken
In addition to the fire
extinguishing mechanisms (whether the use of fire extinguishers or a fire
extinguishing system or both), fire detection systems
and emergency alarm
systems should be installed inside Nacelles to give an early warning
to workers to escape. If such systems are installed, they must be maintained in
operable condition, see 1910.160(c) and 1910.165(d).
Workers should know exactly what to
do and how to escape in a fire emergency. Wind turbines should be provided with
quick escape descent devices for workers to escape in the event of a fire or
other emergency.
OSHA’s Fire Safety page should be consulted for
additional information on fire hazards.
Fire Safety Advisor is available as
an additional resource in mitigating fire hazards associated with Wind
Green Job Hazards: Wind Energy -
Medical and First Aid

Wind farms are normally located in
remote locations, away from a hospital or other emergency treatment facilities.
This is a major concern if a worker gets hurt – how will they be treated
quickly? Wind energy employers should determine the estimates of emergency
medical service response times for all their wind farm locations for all times
of the day and night at which they have workers on duty, and they should use
that information when planning their first-aid program. The employers must
ensure that medical personnel are available for advice and consultation,
and that someone who is trained is available to provide first aid. See OSHA's
web page on Medical Services and First Aid for Electric Power Industry
pertaining to Two-Person Rule and 4-minute Rescue.
Trained first-aid
providers must be available at all wind farms of any size, if there is no
nearby clinic or a hospital. If a worker is expected to render first aid as
part of his or her job duties, the worker is covered by the requirements of the
Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens standard.
This standard includes specific training requirements.
OSHA’s Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution
standard requires that workers are trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation
(CPR), because a worker who may be exposed to an electric shock may experience
a sudden cardiac arrest. In such adverse situations, automated external
defibrillators (AEDs) can also assist in preventing a potential death. AEDs
should be provided at wind farms and workers should be trained in how to use
them. This training can be done when CPR training is provided to workers.
For further information on medical and first aid, OSHA’s Medical and First Aid
page should be consulted. OSHA’s publication on First Aid Program
[PDF*] is another resource that can be used.

Green Job Hazards: Wind Energy - Crane, Derrick and
Hoist Safety
Cranes, derricks, and hoists will be used to move the large,
heavy loads during wind turbine installation and maintenance. Fatalities
and serious injuries can occur if cranes are not inspected and used
properly. Many fatalities can occur when the crane boom, load line or
load contacts power lines and shorts electricity to ground. Other incidents
happen when workers are struck by the load, are caught inside the swing radius
or fail to assemble/disassemble the crane properly. There are significant
safety issues to be considered, both for the operators of the diverse
"lifting" devices, and for workers who work near them. See OSHA’s
General Industry standards at 29 CFR 1910.179 and 29 CFR 1910.180, and Construction
standard at 29 CFR 1926.1417 [PDF*]
for specific crane requirements.

- Cranes are to be operated only
by qualified and trained personnel.
- A designated competent person
must inspect the crane and all crane controls before use.
- Be sure the crane is on a
firm/stable surface and level.
- During assembly/disassembly do
not unlock or remove pins unless sections are blocked and secure (stable).
- Fully extend outriggers and
barricade accessible areas inside the crane’s swing radius.
- Watch for overhead electric
power lines and maintain at least a 10-foot safe working clearance from
the lines.
- Inspect all rigging prior to
use; do not wrap hoist lines around the load.
- Be sure to use the correct load
chart for the crane’s current configuration and setup, the load weight and
lift path.
- Do not exceed the load chart
capacity while making lifts.
- Raise load a few inches, hold,
verify capacity/balance, and test brake system before delivering load.
- Do not move loads over workers.
- Be sure to follow signals and
manufacturer instructions while operating cranes.

Since Wind Turbines are installed in
windy areas, the affects of wind speeds need to be taken into consideration for
lifting activities. Stability can be an issue when the boom is high and the
wind coming from the rear, front, or side of the crane can cause the load to
sway away from the crane, increasing the radius and thus possibly decreasing
the crane capacity.
An employer needs to determine the wind speeds at which it
is not safe to continue lifting operations. Load charts do not generally take
wind speeds into consideration. If the load chart or the operating manual does
not have information on wind speeds and derating information, the crane
manufacturer should be consulted. The procedures applicable to the operation of
the equipment, including rated capacities (load charts), recommended operating
speeds, special hazard warnings, instructions, and operator’s manual, must be
readily available in the cab at all times for use by the operator. See 29 CFR 1926.1417(c) [PDF*]. The maximum allowable
wind speed and derating information need to be posted conspicuously in the cab
or on the load chart
Extremely cold weather conditions can have an impact on crane and lifting
operations. When temperatures drop below 10o F appropriate consideration should
be given to crane hydraulics, and possible derating of the crane.
Bad weather such as rain, snow or fog, can also have adverse impact on lifting.
Equipment and/or operations must be adjusted to address the effect of wind,
ice, and snow on equipment stability and rated capacity. See 29 CFR 1926.1417(n) [PDF*]. During
thunderstorms, a crane boom can become a lightning rod. If there is an
indication of possible thunderstorms, lifting activities should be suspended
and the boom should be lowered to a safe position, and workers should leave the
area. If the crane is struck by lightning, it should be thoroughly inspected
prior to putting it back into service.
Heavy rain along with high speed winds also can affect crane operations. Water
can get into components such as brakes or clutches, and render them inoperable.
When these conditions exist, operators should wait until the components are
dried out.
The following resources are available:
Green Job Hazards: Wind Energy - Electrical
Workers in wind farms are
potentially exposed to a variety of serious hazards, such as arc flashes (which
include arc flash burn and blast hazards), electric shock, falls, and thermal
burn hazards that can cause injury and death. Wind farm employers are covered
by the Electric power generation, transmission, and distribution
standards and, therefore, are required to implement the safe work practices and
worker training requirements of OSHA's Electric Power Generation, Transmission
and Distribution standard, 29 CFR 1910.269.
Workers need to pay attention to overhead power lines at wind farms. The hazard
is from using tools and equipment that can contact power lines and workers must
stay at least 10 feet away
[PDF*] from them, because they carry extremely high voltage. Fatal
electrocution is the main hazard, but burns and falls from elevations can occur
at the wind farms. Some resources on electrical hazards are provided below:
Green Job Hazards: Wind Energy - Machine Guarding
The production of a wind turbine
involves thousands of parts -- gears, blades, and many other such parts.
Manufacturing wind turbines, therefore, will involve machines of various
configurations and may expose workers to hazards of moving parts of the
machines if they are not safeguarded properly.
Additionally, the moving parts associated with the turbine if not guarded
properly may have the potential to cause severe workplace injuries, such as
crushed fingers or hands, amputations, burns, or blindness. Employers must ensure that the workers are protected from
the machine hazards and workers should make sure that the rotating parts and
points of operation of machines are properly guarded prior to using them. More
information on machine guarding
can be found on the OSHA website.
Some additional resources on machine guarding are provided below:
Green Job Hazards: Wind Energy - Respiratory

Manufacturing turbine blades involve
operations like buffing and resurfacing, which may expose workers to harmful
gases, vapors and dusts. Workers must be protected from the
inhalation hazards through the use of ventilation. If the ventilation alone is
not adequate, then workers may also need to use appropriate respirators.
Use of respirators may give a false sense of security and workers should
understand the limitations of the respirators. For example, during heavy
exertion the respirator seal is often compromised, which allows the chemical to
enter the breathing zone (without being filtered) through the gaps between the
respirator and the face. In such situations a worker who is not adequately
trained may think that he or she is being protected. It is, therefore,
essential that workers be provided training in the proper use of respirators
and their limitations. In addition, they must be trained on the proper
storage and maintenance of respirators.
Respiratory protection can be effective only if:
- the correct type of respirator
is used,
- it is readily available,
- worker knows how to put it on
and take it off, and
- it is stored and kept in
working condition based on the manufacturer's recommendations;
Additional resources on respiratory
protection can be found below:
Metropolitan Engineering, Consulting & Forensics (MECF)
Competent, Expert and Objective Investigative Engineering and Consulting
P.O. Box 520
Tenafly, NJ 07670-0520
Tel.: (973) 897-8162
Fax: (973) 810-0440
Web pages:
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