APRIL 22, 2015
As the state continues to investigate a leak from a storage
facility that contaminated a Vienna Township water supply near Kleese
Development Associates, another investigation has been launched.
Vienna Township Trustee Phil Pegg wants a hearing with both
the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and the Ohio EPA before KDA is allowed
to resume operations. Pegg wants to know what happened, who is responsible for
the leak and what is the fix.
“And this is how we are going to assure it does not happen
again. That is the bottom line. We have to have some sort of assurance that
this will not happen in the future,” Pegg said.
Pegg said he also would like to see more regulations by the
state on injection wells, as well as more inspectors.
“It just does not seem like they have enough personnel and
yes, they are collecting taxes that leave this area, does not come back and
they have not assisted us, it is a problem,” Pegg said.
The Trumbull County Sanitary Engineer and
the prosecutor’s office are also investigating KDA for allegedly
tapping into a water line at the main house at the intersection of Sodom
Hutchings Road and Warren Sharon road and connecting three adjacent homes owned
by the Kleese family.
“As of right now, they have been instructed to terminate the
line itself, which we will inspect and witness,” Trumbull County Assistant
Sanitary Engineer Scott Verner said.
Matt Kleese said he had no comment when contacted by phone
on Wednesday.
Loosey goosey with drilling and injection regulations will
get our water contaminated. Sure oil and
gas is important, but water quality is even more important. I can certainly live without much oil or gas, but
I could never live without good quality water.
Do not frack it up, please.
Source: http://wkbn.com