The oxygen nasal canula on the Rowlette's face had caught fire and acted as a fuse, and fire officials said flames had already spread through much of the bedroom.
Richland fire officials say a house fire that killed a man was started after the victim was smoking in bed.
The man's caretaker and a witness said the victim, 77-year-old Morris Rowlette, had been smoking in bed while on oxygen, Monday afternoon.
Rowlette called for help while his caretaker was doing dishes. When the caretaker responded, reports said he found several small fires at his bed.
The oxygen nasal canula on the Rowlette's face had caught fire and acted as a fuse, and fire officials said flames had already spread through much of the bedroom.
As the caretaker attempted to get the victim out of the house, he had to set the victim down for a moment to open the door. During that time the caretaker heard an explosion and felt a large amount of air pressure push him out of the house.
After he was pushed out, he realized he couldn't go back inside due to the amount of smoke and flames in the house, and ran across the street to get help.
Richland Fire Department officials says when they arrived on scene, fire crews found the fire towards the front of the home. They had to knock through the door to get the victim out of the house.
An ambulance transported Rowlette and his caretaker to Kadlec Regional Medical Center. The coroner says Rowlette was pronounced deceased at the hospital.
Fire officials say the caretaker has since been released from the hospital.
RICHLAND, Wash. - An elderly man has died following a fatal house fire in Richland, according to the Benton County Coroner.
Crews rescued the man who was inside the burning house at Dakota Street near Columbia Park Trail, Monday afternoon and attempted to revive him with CPR.
Fire crews and police responded were at the home for several minutes while crews worked to extinguish the blaze.
Richland Fire Department officials says when they arrived on scene, fire crews found the fire towards the front of the home. They had to knock through the door to get the man inside the home.
An ambulance transported the victim, identified as 77-year-old Morris Rowlette, to Kadlec Regional Medical Center. The coroner says he was pronounced deceased at the hospital.
At this time, Rowlette's cause of death is unknown.
Another person was also taken to the hospital. Fire officials say it appears that person was attempting to help the victim inside the home.
Action News has learned that firefighters were able to put out the house fire, but flames caused extensive damage to the home.
The fire did not spread to any neighboring homes, firefighters said.
Investigators are expected to revisit the scene. The cause of this fire is not currently known.
Home Oxygen Therapy and Cigarette Smoking: a Dangerous Practice.
This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.
as a therapeutic agent is an important form of home therapy for hypoxic
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and improved survival has
been demonstrated in hypoxic COPD patients receiving continuous oxygen.
However, some patients, despite dissuasion, continue to smoke and we
describe the case of a patient on home oxygen who sustained a
partial-thickness facial flash burn whilst engaged in this habit. A
review is made of the literature, as also a comparison of all discovered
cases of burns in home oxygen users, followed by a discussion of the
implications of this potentially hazardous form of therapy.
Keywords: oxygen, therapy, cigarette, smoking, dangerous, practice
Oxygen as a therapeutic agent was first introduced by Alvin Barach
1922 and since then it has become an important form of home therapy for
hypoxic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Its use has
increased dramatically over the last 20 years since two pivotal studies
demonstrated improved survival in hypoxic COPD patients receiving
continuous oxygen.
single most important cause of COPD is cigarette smoking, and a
significant number of patients continue to smoke despite being on home
oxygen therapy.
We describe the case of a patient on home oxygen who sustained a partial-thickness facial flash burn whilst smoking.
a review of the literature we compare all discovered cases of burns in
home oxygen users and discuss the implications of this potentially
hazardous form of therapy.
Case report
58-yr-old man presented to hospital with a facial flash burn resulting
from lighting a cigarette whilst on home oxygen. He described how "the
cigarette just exploded" on lighting. He had sustained a 3% superficial
facial burn, with singed eyebrows and nasal hairs and soot in the
nostrils (
Fig. 1
Facial flash burn.
patient had a past medical history of asthma, smoking-induced COPD, a
recent diagnosis of bronchial carcinoma, and chronic schizophrenia. He
was receiving 2 litres per min of home oxygen via nasal cannulae and a
On examination his airway
was clear with bilateral wheeze. He had reasonable air entry on
auscultation and an oxygen saturation of 94% on 2 litres of oxygen. He
was haemodynamically stable with a normal cardiovascular examination. A
review by an anaesthetist revealed a normal oropharnyx. He was admitted
to the high dependency unit for observation and kept on humidified
oxygen and nebulized salbutamol. The burn was left exposed, being
managed conservatively with the application of paraffin oil. Two days
later his chest had improved sufficiently to allow transfer to the ward.
After careful education on the safe use of his oxygen he was allowed
are three types of home oxygen supply available: oxygen concentrators,
which supply long-term continuous oxygen, cylinders, which supply
intermittent oxygen, and liquid oxygen systems. Delivery occurs via
nasal cannulae (most commonly), face-masks (often described as
uncomfortable), or transtracheally (rarely used).
oxygen is used according to one of three patterns: continuous for more
than 15 h a day (as in COPD patients), intermittent, and nocturnal
oxygen therapy.
Unfortunately, compliance with prescribed oxygen has been reported to be as low as 22%.
is considered a contraindication to the provision of home oxygen.
Patients are told not to smoke, but recent surveys show the percentage
of home oxygen users still smoking to be between 14 and 51%.
The fire and burn injury risk of home oxygen use is
increasingly being recognized but the actual incidence of burns in home
oxygen users is unknown as many cases are likely to be unreported.
conducted a literature review in order to identify and compare all
reported cases of burns in home oxygen users. Patient demographics,
oxygen delivery system, burn severity, associated cigarette smoking, and
patient outcome were recorded.
We found four major series; Robb et al. (2003),
8Chang et al. (2001),
9Barillo et al. (2000),
10and Muehlberger et al. (1998).
Out of these, a total of 86 cases of home oxygen
burns were thus identified, the patients having a mean age of 65 yr; the
most common diagnosis was COPD. Fifty-four patients were smokers, 11
were non-smokers, and 21 were unspecified. The average burn size was
8.1% of total body surface area, with seven patients sustaining
full-thickness burns and two requiring skin grafting. Twenty-one
patients suffered an inhalational injury. The length of hospital stay
averaged 4.6 days and nine patients died. Several authors also noted an
apparent increase in the incidence of oxygen-related burns.
The combustion of most materials requires a fuel, a heat source, and an oxidizing agent.
Most patients on home oxygen use nasal cannulae.
Nasal cannula tubing is a polyvinyl chloride product which, when
ignited, emits an intense flame, possibly owing to the release of highly
flammable vinyl chloride gas.
The prongs of a cannula are intended to direct oxygen into the nose. Greco et al.
however, that a significant amount of oxygen exits the nose and
constantly leaks out and bathes the lower face. An oxygen-enriched
environment facilitates ignition and combustion of any material.
Flash fires ignited by electrocautery and oxygen
flow from nasal cannulae during facial surgery under local anaesthesia
have been described,
13and Reyes et al.
a facial flash fire model to show how nasal cannula tubing can be
ignited by an electrocautery spark at an oxygen flow rate of 2 litres
per min and at a linear distance of 5 cm from the oxygen source.
The cause of the flash burn in the patient we
described was probably related to the inherent flammability of human
tissue with the cannula tubing as the fuel, the flame of the cigarette
lighter as the heat source, and oxygen flowing through the cannula and
saturating the perioral region as the oxidizer.
Patients who smoke whilst on home oxygen expose themselves to a significant and avoidable burn injury risk.
increasing number of home oxygen burns have been reported in the
literature over the past decade, most likely related to the more
prevalent use of home oxygen and an ageing population.
use of a less combustible material for cannula tubing and a more
efficient oxygen delivery system may reduce the incidence of such burns.
Another suggestion would be labelling the oxygen cylinders with large
stickers emphasizing the danger of smoking in the presence of oxygen.
But most important is the need for more aggressive warning and education
of the patients and their families by GPs and physicians to raise
awareness of this potentially explosive practice.
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