P.A. building 20km-long drinking water pipeline as oil slick approaches: cleanup of 200,000L-plus spill continues
More from Jason Warick, Saskatoon StarPhoenix
Published on: July 23, 2016 | Last Updated: July 24, 2016 9:16 PM CST
Crews work to clean up an oil spill on the North Saskatchewan river near Maidstone, Sask on Friday July 22, 2016. Husky Energy has said between 200,000 and 250,000 litres of crude oil and other material leaked into the river on Thursday from its pipeline. JASON FRANSON / THE CANADIAN PRESS
Prince Albert officials have ordered construction of a 20 to 30 kilometre temporary drinking water pipeline as a massive oil slick on the North Saskatchewan River approaches the city.
“They’ve done an admirable job (of planning),” Saskatchewan Water Security Agency’s Same Ferris told reporters Sunday. “It’s a temporary installation.”
Residents of both cities are advised to use water sparingly until the regular water treatment capacity is restored. It’s unclear exactly how long that will be, officials said.
“Water conservation is very important in this situation,” Ferris said.
The city of North Battleford has already shut off its river intake and is drawing its drinking water from other sources. On Sunday, P.A. had not yet shut off its water intake from the North Saskatchewan River, as tests came back clean. That could change when the oil arrives late Sunday or early Monday.
Nearly half the 200-250,000 litre-spill has been recovered, and five river barriers are designed to continue capturing whatever remains on the river’s surface, said Wes Kotyk of Saskatchewan’s Environment Ministry.
Kotyk says it’s unclear how much of the oil can eventually be recovered. He said the churning current and unique magnitude of the spill make predictions difficult.
“This is a rare event,” he said.
Husky Energy said they’ve identified three birds impacted by the spill. He said the company is working with a provincial wildlife organization to identify and help any impacted wildlife.
The cost of cleanup, and any potential impact on the economy, is also unclear, said Bert West of the Ministry of Economy.
“That is something we can’t tell until it’s done,” West said. “Our focus is on the situation.”
Saskatchewan NDP Leader Trent Wotherspoon expressed his concern for the citizen’s affected by the oil spill on behalf of his party and Prince Albert Northcote MLA Nicole Rancourt in a written statement Sunday evening.
“There will be time in the coming days to discuss liability, accountability and the need for proper government oversight, inspections and protections but that conversation is secondary to what should be everyone’s main priority — ensuring safe drinking water for all affected communities and the cleanup of what is still out there,” Wotherspoon wrote in the statement.
Thursday’s rupture of a Husky Energy pipeline near the town of Maidstone occurred roughly 600 metres from the bank of the North Saskatchewan River. Saskatchewan government officials say it was Husky staff that detected the spill before the oil slick was observed on the river.
Berms were erected to minimize oil flow into the river, but more than 200,000 litres had already leaked. Cleanup of the pools of ground surface oil is now complete, and digging up contaminated soil is underway.
The priority is on the oil in the river, as municipal filtration systems do not typically address oil pollution, they said.
A river barrier was erected at Paynton upstream from the Battlefords but failed. It is being rebuilt and another is under construction just downstream from the Battlefords. The oil slick has reached the Borden Bridge and is expected to reach Prince Albert by late Sunday or early Monday.
Cumberland House Cree Nation and adjacent town residents are also preparing emergency plans further downstream, they said.