Story Updated: Jun 30, 2016 at 5:29 PM EDT
Knowlton Technologies in downtown Watertown was evacuated Thursday morning because of an apparent chemical splii.
Watertown Fire Chief Dale Herman says an employee was mixing a solution mixing when a sulfuric acid line broke and mixed with the material he was working with.
The reaction created fumes that prompted workers to call 911 and evacuate the building, which is at the corner of Mill and Factory streets. The call came in around 6:15 a.m.
The worker reportedly repaired the leak.
"He had the presence of mind to shut down the sulphuric acid leak and start diluting the mixture which goes to a tank which they use for their processes here at Knowlton," Herman said.
Firefighters flushed the spill with water, aired out the building and used an abosrbant material to mop up the spill.
Herman says workers were checked out as a precaution. That information will be used in the event any of them develop a health problem over the next few days.
Some workers were allowed back inside around 8 a.m. Everyone was back at work by 10:30 a.m.
No injuries were reported.
In a prepared statement, the company said it "does not anticipate any adverse impact to human health or the environment."