Fatal crane accident, as the engine caught fire when the crane fell into an embankment
January 24, 2015
A crane operator died in the Netherlands yesterday after his crane
ploughed into a roundabout embankment in early morning fog.
The five axle 120 tonne crane was towing a three axle counterweight trailer as it drove down the N34 in foggy conditions towards the roundabout under the N33, near Gieten, and carried straight onto the large earth embankment on the centre of the roundabout.
The crane’s carrier engine caught fire but was quickly extinguished, it took some time though to reach the driver, as the cab was embedded in the embankment. By the time they did he was dead. The crane, owned by rental company Kielstra, was removed from the embankment later in the day. No one else was involved in this sad incident.
The crane ploughed into an earth embankment
The five axle 120 tonne crane was towing a three axle counterweight trailer as it drove down the N34 in foggy conditions towards the roundabout under the N33, near Gieten, and carried straight onto the large earth embankment on the centre of the roundabout.
It looks as though the crane may have strayed as it approached the roundabout in dark misty conditions
The crane’s carrier engine caught fire but was quickly extinguished, it took some time though to reach the driver, as the cab was embedded in the embankment. By the time they did he was dead. The crane, owned by rental company Kielstra, was removed from the embankment later in the day. No one else was involved in this sad incident.
The crane was recovered later in the day