Friday, July 31, 2015

OSHA cites D.R. Diedrich & Co. Ltd. , a Milwaukee tannery, for 19 violations after worker killed

Federal safety officials have cited a Milwaukee tannery for 19 safety violations after inspections sparked by the death of a worker — the second fatal industrial accident at the plant in six years. 

D.R. Diedrich & Co. Ltd. should be fined $169,000 for the violations, officials with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration said Thursday.

Among the alleged violations is one OSHA categorized as willful, meaning it was committed "with intentional, knowing or voluntary disregard for the law's requirement, or with plain indifference to employee safety and health."

Another of the citations alleges Diedrich did not use proper safety procedures on the machine where the worker was killed when a 1,500-pound steel roller disengaged.

Killed in the Feb. 1 accident was Juan M. Gonzalez, 59, of Milwaukee. He had been inspecting the bearing on a hide-fleshing machine, used to separate fat from animal hides, when the roller moved and struck him in the head, according to OSHA and the Milwaukee County medical examiner.

Gonzalez had worked at Diedrich, 2615 W. Greves St. in the Menomonee Valley, for 13 years, OSHA said. The agency said Diedrich tans leather for auto, furniture and shoe manufacturers, and employs about 130 people.

Officials with the company were not available for comment Thursday.

The willful violation cited by OSHA was for not using required lockout devices on a hide-fleshing machine. The devices are meant to prevent unintentional operation of machines during service and maintenance.

Diedrich was cited for a similar violation on the same type of machine in 2011, an agency spokeswoman said.

Other alleged violations include lack of machine guards, shortcomings in training workers on machine safety, and failure to provide proper protection to prevent workers from contacting live electrical parts.

In June 2009, another Diedrich employee was killed when his harness was caught and he was pulled under and between mixing drums. That death also prompted an inspection, with OSHA citing for more than 20 violations.

The agency initially proposed fines totaling $157,000. As is often the case, however, the fines were reduced after talks with the company. They now stand at about $60,000. The case is not yet closed.