Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC - Line MB Extension Project - Docket No. CP13-8-000

5151 San Felipe Suite 2500
Houston, TX 77056
Direct: 713.386.3797

Tyler R. Brown
Senior Counsel

April 17, 2015

Ms. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street NE, Room 1A
Washington, D.C. 20426

Re: Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC
Line MB Extension Project
Docket No. CP13-8-000

Dear Ms. Bose: 

On April 16, 2015, Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Company, LLC (“Transco”) filed a letter with the Commission urging it to direct Columbia Gas Transmission, LLC (“Columbia”) to address certain concerns of Transco related to right-of-way usage by Columbia in areas that crossed over Transco pipelines. 

Columbia has been in communication with Transco on the 16th, as well as previous instances earlier in the week, and is making good faith efforts to address Transco’s concerns as quickly and efficiently as possible. 

Included with this letter are copies of the documents and information requested by Transco that Columbia has recently provided to Transco, as well as a list of any outstanding items. Columbia has provided a single point of internal company contact to Transco to ensure that information and questions are quickly disseminated and addressed. Columbia assures the Commission that it is making every effort to be responsive to Transco’s concerns in a timely fashion.

Please contact me at the above direct dial number or email should you have any questions about the materials submitted with this letter. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Tyler R. Brown
Senior Counsel 


List of Attached Documents 

Re: Transco April 16, 2015 Letter; Docket No. CP13-8-000
1) Status report
2) Equipment lists for Yard 9 AR-0900 (2)
3) Route variance request
4) Yard 9 access road sketch
5) Alignment maps for all three areas noted by Transco
6) Thornton Mill erosion and sediment control plan

Rev. 0, 16Apr15
The following is an update on the status of Columbia’ response to the Transco’ request for information (RFI) during the Line MB Transco/CPG Meeting (conference call) of 13Apr15. The meeting was conducted to discuss three areas of Impact to Transco facilities by line MB construction.
(1) International Circle /I-83:

a) Agreed that timber mats (min 8”X4’X18’) to be installed on the entire asphalt surface. CPG to only use the timber matted area. (Action CPG) – Agreed.
b) Transco western most line may not be under asphalt and may require additional matting outside the paved area for crossing purposes of the pipeline. (Action Transco) - Transco to confirm.

Columbia’ Status/Response: The three (3) Transco pipelines in the area have been previously re-surveyed 27Sept13 by Columbia (at Transco request) and all three pipelines were located “under” the paved area of Yard 9.
c) Stanton Tomlin with Transco received the equipment list to be used by CPG during line MB construction. (Action Transco) - Stan reviewing crossing analysis.

Columbia’ Status/Response: CPG has previously provided construction equipment list(s) with equipment weight (See Attached).
d) Need to provide Transco with drawing identifying the location of the storage yard and access and where the timber mats will be placed. (Action CPG) – Bill Welk to provide.

Columbia’ Status/Response: Completed. Sketch 123-12 (Rev. 1, 14Apr15) was issued on 16Apr15. Sketch included construction comments/notes for the use of Yard 9 (See Attached).
e) Transco wants to be present during installation of the timber mats. (Action Transco) -Jim or Stan with Transco to provide contact information of person to be on site.
f) Point of Contact for CPG Nena Honaker (859)556-1761 email nhonaker@nisource.com
g) Reimbursement Agreement to be sent to Nena Honaker. (Action Transco) - Jim Hutchins to provide.
i) Field visit at Yard 9, with CPG representatives and Transco Representatives, scheduled 14Apr14 at 10:30 AM. (Action Transco / CPG)

Columbia’ Status/Response: Completed.
(2) North of Hwy 45/Bosley Property:

a) Transco preferred that CPG not use their ROW (Line MB access road AR-1120) for access to construction on the Bosley property.

b) Alternate access routes discussed included off Loveton Farms Rd., Water Tower site and the Bosley’ driveway/Transco ROW.
c) Johnnie Roebuck (Transco) will provide a sketch of the Transco preferred access for the HDD work site. (Action Transco)
d) Transco requested the following information for the planned access road AR-1120 (Bosley’ driveway / Transco ROW): (Action CPG) o Survey of the centerline, depth (line profile) and ROW limits for the existing Transco pipelines.
o Grading plans for the access road, including the amount of fill above the Transco pipelines.
o Mapping of the access road route (over, between or beside the Transco pipelines)

Columbia’ Status/Response: CPG advised that all construction work on the Bosley’ property has been deferred to 2016. “Alternate” access roads are being defined and evaluated for use. The Transco requested data for access road AR-1120 is premature at this time and will be provide “if” the route is selected for construction access. Transco will be advised of the access road plan as the design progresses.
(3) Thorton Mill Pipeline Crossing:

a) Bill Welk to provide alignment sheets for Transco impacted areas, Nena to forward to Jim Hutchins with Transco. (Action CPG)

Columbia’ Status/Response: Transco received alignment sheets 14Apr15 (See Attached).
b) Field meeting between CPG/Transco on site 14Apr15. Both CPG/Transco lines will be marked. (Action Transco / CPG)

Columbia’ Status/Response: Field meeting completed and follow-up meeting will be scheduled after Transco has survey/staked their pipelines and ROW.
c) CPG not using existing Transco Right of way for access. CPG using current CPG right of way for access.
d) CPG construction proposed late July.
e) Transco requested plan and profile for pipeline crossing. (Action CPG)

Columbia’ Status/Response: CPG will conduct excavations at the planned pipeline crossing to determine layout and depth of burial for the existing CPG and Transco pipelines. Estimated date for completion – mid June 2015.
f) Transco will need soil samples to determine if blasting is necessary. If blasting is necessary CPG to provide Transco a blasting plan. (Action CPG)

Columbia’ Status/Response:
o CPG will conduct sub-surface investigations to determine the depth of soil, depth rock and rock quality. Estimated date for completion – mid June 2015.
o If rock blasting is required, a Blasting Plan will be prepared and issued for Transco review/approval.
g) Transco to send Nena Right of Way Construction Guidelines. (Action Transco) Completed - CPG received 14Apr15 and forwarded to Line MB team.

h) The 2015 Line MB construction phase will stop West of Highway MD- 45 (York Road) and East of Carroll Road.
i) Current soil erosion control is installed between the two Transco lines. Transco requesting stream crossing plan for line MB project approved by ACE and MDE. (Action CPG)

Columbia’ Status/Response: CPG provided Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) drawing for the Thorton Mill Road area (including the CPG/Transco pipeline crossing) on 16Apr15 (See Attached). CPG is required by permitting agencies to restore and stabilize the ROW to the pre-existing condition (as inspected/approved by FERC, USCOE and MDE).