Monday, August 24, 2015

THE YOUNG AND THE ELDERLY ARE THE MOST FREQUENT VICTIMS OF FIRES: 2-year old boy in critical condition after house fire in Brooklyn, NYC

Dray Clark reports from the scene of an early morning fire in Marine Park.
A toddler is in critical condition after an early morning house fire in Brooklyn.

It started at around 1 a.m. on Avenue P in Marine Park, and was placed under control about 45 minutes later.

EMT'S tried to resuscitate the 2-year old boy, who was rushed to Beth Israel Hospital suffering from smoke inhalation.

Neighbors said there was a lot of smoke coming from the home's second floor.

Two of the neighbors tried to rush inside to rescue the boy, but said the smoke was so intense it pushed them back.

A firefighter then was able to get into the home and pull the toddler out.

The FDNY is investigating the cause of the fire.