Friday, April 3, 2015

MEDEVAC SERVICES BY OUR COAST GUARD: Coast Guard Medevacs Sailor Missing for More Than 60 Days. Coast Guard Medevacs Man from Motor Vessel.

APRIL 2, 2015 


Coast Guard air and small-boat crews medevaced a man experiencing the symptoms of a possible heart attack about 12 miles northwest of Westport, Washington, Wednesday morning.

An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew from Air Station Astoria, Oregon, safely hoisted the man and transported him to Columbia Memorial Hospital at 11:25 a.m.

The operator of the charter vessel Tequila Too contacted Coast Guard Sector Columbia River, in Warrenton, at about 9:30 a.m., reporting a 53-year-old passenger was having a medical emergency. After consultation with the duty flight surgeon, watchstanders directed the launch of the Warrenton-based aircrew and a small-boat crew aboard a 47-foot Motor Life Boat from Station Grays Harbor in Westport.

After arriving on scene with the charter vessel, two EMT-qualified MLB crew members went aboard to provide medical assistance. The aircrew safely hoisted the man aboard the Jayhawk at about 10:40 a.m. Based on the man’s condition, the aircrew landed on the field adjacent to the hospital and transferred him to the emergency room for further treatment.

“Initially we were planning on transporting the man to Oregon Health and Science University Hospital in Portland," said Lt. Christopher Morris, operations unit at Coast Guard Sector Columbia River. "Based on his condition, the aircrew made the decision to get him to an appropriate level of care as fast as possible."


A Coast Guard MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew medevacs a man from motor vessel Houston Express off the North Carolina coast Thursday, April 2, 2015. 

 The crew aboard Houston Express spotted the man on a disabled sailing vessel and took him aboard approximately 200 miles east of Cape Hatteras. 

 U.S. Coast Guard video by Air Station Elizabeth City