Monday, March 26, 2018

Nelson's Tree Service, LLC was issued a serious violation by OSHA after investigating reports that an employee fell from a tree while working in January


Nelson's Tree Service, LLC has until next Wednesday to respond to a citation issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Scott Allen, a spokesperson for OSHA, said the company was issued a serious violation March 7 after investigating reports that an employee fell from a tree while working in January.

Allen said Nelson's Tree Service can either agree to pay the $3,880 fine or request an informal meeting with OSHA to discuss the citation.

It's the second serious citation issued against the tree trimming company since August 2016, when an employee was killed on the job after being hit by a falling tree limb and crushed by a falling tree. The company was fined more than $17,000 for the deadly incident.

Allen said details about the latest investigation couldn't be discussed as it is still considered open.