Monday, October 30, 2017



For the last several years, I have been trying my own method of losing excess weight and keeping it off .  My goal was also to improve the health of my major internal organs (heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, etc.).  Well, I have managed to lose over 40 pounds, increase my metabolism, become stronger (much stronger) and feel really great for several years now.

So, I am posting the things I did that worked for me. I am hoping some of you may benefit from the tips reported herein.


There are thousands of companies and individuals out there that are trying to make our life better by selling us "convenience".  Pre-packaged foods, online shopping, shipping meals to home, etc.  You get the picture.  The end result has been that people do less and less activities and they end up accumulating fat into their bodies.  Once the fat accumulates, it is very-very difficult to lose it.

I myself gained lots of weight over the years by having contractors do all the work at my home, by not moving as much and my eating food that my brain likes (sugars, fats and some salts).  I end up picking up 68 pounds: from 200 pounds in my 20s to 268 pounds in my 50s.  

Several years ago I decided to change all that, as my retirement years are approaching.  Along the way, I have discovered that so many people are giving us bad-bad-bad advice regarding weight loss.  Losing most of the weight is easy (if you train your brain), as you will see below.


Remember this tip and it save your life:  Motion is Lotion.  Start moving around.  You will lose lots of weight that way, while lubricating and strengthening your muscles, bones, tendons, etc.  It is a life saver.  If you cannot have active (i.e. sweating) activities, then walk, walk, walk, walk.   This will take lots of weight off your body, while making you feel good.

For those of you who cannot walk a lot, follow the other tips below.

Trying eating several meals a day, instead of 3 large meals.  This is also a life-saver advice.  If you can eat every 2-3 hours, that would be great.  

A really great tip is:  stop eating after 4-5 pm.  If you are very hungry after that time, eat a low fat yogurt- eat it slowly!

Drink lemon water first thing in the morning.  This will cut your appetite (significantly!), while detoxifying your  kidney, liver, etc.  It is a "miracle" drink.

I also take 2-3 times a day 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (unfiltered, unpasteurized).  This is a "miracle" drink, especially with people that have hot flushes at nights due to high sugar in their body.  For me, it worked like a charm: all my night sweating stopped immediately, especially when I was very obese.  It is a life saver.

Avoid sugary drinks like hell.  This is a no-brainer.

Train your brain to avoid pre-prepared foods, canned foods, high salt foods, etc.  This is also a no-brainer!

I stopped eating all junk food (with some exceptions, during holidays) such as, fast-food, potato chips, ice cream, etc.

 Learn to cook your own meals.  Most healthy meals take less than 30 minutes to prepare.  Some examples:  steamed vegetables with real cheese; whole grain pastas; rice; shrimps, avocados; salads; milk, yogurt, cheeses; multi grain cereal; steaks; fruits; etc., etc.

Do some fat-freezing by wrapping your waist with icy belts.  It did "miracles" for me.  I shed 10-pounds of the worst fat around my belly.   I will give you some tips later.

Sweat as much as you can and drink lots of water.  Make sure you take B vitamins to replenish the ones you lose through the sweat.

Take vitamin supplements, especially the soluble ones, such as vitamins B.  Most of the food we eat has no such vitamins due to the heavy processing.  The B vitamins will also help reduce or eliminate the headaches - they are "miraculous".

Take CQ-10 and D vitamins.  If you want some high energy food, eat liver.  This is a super food, for sure. 

Contrary to advice given the people here in the states, you need to get as much vitamin D as possible by direct sun exposure.  It will do great things for your libido and mental health as well.  You can use sunscreens after you have soaked at least 20 minutes of sun on your exposed skin: legs, arms, back, face, etc.


Train your brain to avoid sugary, fattening and salty processed food:  this was the key for me.  

Motion is lotion: move, move, move, move around. 

Do some heavy-sweating activities and drink plenty of water.

Do some fat-freezing.

Take sufficient soluble vitamins, especially the B complex of vitamins. 

Get as much vitamin D as you can from the sun.