Sunday, May 21, 2017

Man suffered burns to his legs after he dumped gasoline on a bonfire, causing the flames to jump, spreading to two buildings in Wolverton, Minnesota

WOLVERTON, Minn.—Two shops caught fire here when a bonfire burned out of control Saturday afternoon, May 20.

Fire crews suspect someone tried to enlarge a contained bonfire by dumping gasoline on the fire, causing the flames to jump, spreading to two buildings.

Three fire departments—from Wolverton, Sabin and Christine, ND.—put out the fire on the larger of the two buildings, which had an exterior metal frame. The building was a complete loss. The other building remains standing.

One person was injured, with burns on his legs. No other details were immediately available.


WOLVERTON, Minn.—Two hobby shops caught fire Saturday afternoon in Wolverton, Minnesota, north of Wahpeton.

According to the Wolverton Fire Department, the two buildings caught fire just before 1:00 p.m. after a bonfire gone wrong off of Lind Avenue in town.

Fire crews believe someone tried to grow a contained bonfire by dumping gasoline on it, but the gas can caught fire, was thrown and the flames spread to the building.

It took three fire departments from Wolverton, Sabin and Christine to put out the flames on the larger building because it had a metal frame on the outside.

That building is a complete lose, the other structure is still standing.

One person was injured with burns on his legs, no one else was hurt.

The fire is still under investigation.