Thursday, May 25, 2017

Equipment failure was the cause of a 4,200-gallon spill of oil and saltwater at an oil well pad operated by Cornerstone Natural Resources LLC. in Burke County, ND

Oil spill in far northern ND flows into slough -- almost 300 reported in state since Jan. 1 

By Barry Amundson Today at 4:32 p.m.

BISMARCK, N.D. – An oil and saltwater spill from an equipment failure on a well pad near Bowbells in far northern North Dakota has flowed into an adjacent slough.

The North Dakota Department of Health was notified Sunday, May 21, of the 100-barrel or 4,200-gallon oil emulsion spill at the site about 70 miles northwest of Minot.

The spill on Saturday, May 20, was at a well pad operated by Cornerstone Natural Resources LLC. Oil emulsion is a mixture of crude oil and saltwater produced from a well and before treatment.

The spill was an estimated 25 barrels or 1,050 gallons of oil and 75 barrels or 3,150 gallons of saltwater. An unknown amount of this emulsion flowed off the well pad and into the slough. Cornerstone has deployed booms in the slough to contain the emulsion, and an environmental remediation company has begun pumping impacted water out of the slough and excavating impacted soils.

NDDoH personnel have been on the site and will continue to monitor the investigation and cleanup.

From Jan. 1 to May 1, there have been 539 spills related to the oil and gas industry in North Dakota, according to the NDoH. That includes 287 oil spills, 176 saltwater spills and 76 in the other category.


Equipment Failure Cited for Oil-Brine Spill in Burke County

The state Health Department says equipment failure was the cause of a 4,200-gallon spill of oil and saltwater at an oil well pad in Burke County.

May 25, 2017, at 4:25 p.m.

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — The state Health Department says equipment failure was the cause of a 4,200-gallon spill of oil and saltwater at an oil well pad in Burke County.

The pad about 6 ½ miles southwest of Bowbells is operated by Cornerstone Natural Resources LLC.

Health officials say about 1,050 gallons of oil and 3,150 gallons of brine were released on Saturday. An unknown amount flowed into a nearby slough.

Work is underway to clean up the slough and contaminated soils. Health Department personnel have visited the site and are monitoring cleanup. 



Cornerstone Natural Resources is a Denver based independent oil and gas company focused on building a long-lived reserve base in the Williston Basin.
With a current inventory of over 50,000 net acres, which includes over 50 operated Bakken pool drilling units (Middle Bakken & Three Forks) and an additional 70 operated drilling units targeting the overlying Midale reservoir;Cornerstone is poised for significant growth.
The Company currently operates 43 active wells in North Dakota, producing from the Midale, Bakken and Three Forks reservoirs, and holds a working interest in an additional 39 outside operated wells. All of the aforementioned reservoirs are currently being developed by Cornerstone using horizontal stage frac completions.
Cornerstone is a significant oil & gas producer in Burke County, North Dakota. Cornerstone’s net production in North Dakota is approximately 400 BOEPD from 43 operated and 39 outside-operated wells.
Ongoing Development
Cornerstone holds interests in over 50,000 net acres of leasehold in Burke and Mountrail Counties, North Dakota. With a current inventory of Bakken, Three Forks and Midale drilling opportunities; Cornerstone is poised for growth.

With strong operational control over its leasehold and development timing, Cornerstone’s has focused its development on the Midale, Bakken and Three Forks reservoirs..