Monday, March 27, 2017

Pennsylvania DEP Approves Permits for Underground Injection Wells in Elk and Indiana Counties operated bySeneca Resources Corp. and Pennsylvania General Energy Company

Pennsylvania  DEP Approves Permits for Underground Injection Wells in Elk and Indiana Counties operated bySeneca Resources Corp.  and Pennsylvania General Energy Company

Harrisburg, PA – The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) today approved permits for two underground injection control (UIC) wells for disposal of wastewater associated with oil and natural gas production. The wells are located in Highland Township, Elk County; and Grant Township, Indiana County.

“After a thorough review, DEP determined that both applications meet all regulations, are sufficient to protect surface water and water supplies, and would abate pollution,” said Acting DEP Secretary Patrick McDonnell.

The wells will be operated by two separate operators, Seneca Resources Corp. in Elk County; and Pennsylvania General Energy Company (PGE) in Indiana County.

In addition to the permit applications, DEP reviewed Erosion and Sedimentation Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management Plans, Control and Disposal Plans, and the applications submitted to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as the permits issued by the EPA for the wells.

Due to concerns about seismic activity related to UIC wells that has occurred in other states DEP has applied special conditions to the permit to ensure early detection if even minor seismic events occur. These conditions include: 

• Installation of a seismometer and continuous recorder with operating, calibration, service, and maintenance information at the disposal well site; and the contact information for the responsible person in charge of conducting seismic monitoring activities.
• Verification that data is captured at the disposal well site and provided to the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) Network in real time.
• Description of installation to allow for optimal seismic event identification and location.
• Submission of a tectonic seismic event contingency plan that includes monitoring, reporting and mitigation provisions.
• Provision for updating the seismic monitoring and mitigation plan, retaining seismic event data and equipment records, and submitting reports on the use of monitoring equipment.

In addition, these wells are permitted at much lower pressures, and in formations farther from the “basement” rock that is more prone to activity, than the wells in other states that have been linked to seismic activity.

More information on the permits is available on DEP’s website:

Dept. of Environmental Protection
Commonwealth News Bureau
Room 308, Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg PA., 17120



Neil Shader, DEP
