Wednesday, March 1, 2017

A female employee of Trader Joe's was run over and killed by a backing truck in the Acton, Mass. Trader Joe's parking lot.

ACTON, Mass. - One person has died after a car accident in the Acton Trader Joe's parking lot.

Few details have been released, but police tell FOX25 the victim was an employee at the business..

According to the police chief, a young male driver was backing up when he hit the victim.

The victim's brother asked not to identify her at this time, but said she had worked at the store for a long time and had complained about parking lot safety before.

Police said the driver is cooperating with their investigation and is at the police department with his mother to speak to officers.

The company released the following statement Tuesday night:

Trader Joe’s is deeply saddened by the loss of a beloved Crew Member. Our deepest, heartfelt sympathies go out to the Crew’s family and friends.

Out of respect for our Crew Member and her family, the Acton Trader Joe's will be closed on March 1st.

The incident remains under investigation. Trader Joe’s is working hard in conjunction with authorities to determine exactly what occurred.