Tuesday, November 22, 2016

More than 4,000 fires occur annually on Thanksgiving as celebrants deep-fry turkeys, boil potatoes, bake pies and more.

Cooking Injuries Peak During Thanksgiving Holiday
November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Day has more than double the number of home cooking fires than an average day, according to the U.S. Fire Administration. More than 4,000 fires occur annually on Thanksgiving as celebrants deep-fry turkeys, boil potatoes, bake pies and more.

“Splashes, spills, slips, burns and cuts are just a few of the many cooking hazards that occur during the Thanksgiving meal preparation,” said Arthur Sanford, MD, burn surgeon at Loyola University Health System. “Adults doing the cooking are often injured but sadly children often also get into harm’s way.”

Deep-frying turkeys causes an estimated $15 million in U.S. property damages, says Arthur Sanford, MD, burn surgeon at Loyola University Medical Center.

The trend of deep-frying the turkey has spiked a rise in cooking injuries. In the United States, more than 141 serious fires and hot-oil burns have been reported from turkey fryers over the last decade, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

“I have actually cared for a patient who tried to deep fry the turkey indoors, which absolutely should not be done in any circumstances,” says Sanford. “And I cannot stress enough that the turkey must be moisture –free. A frozen turkey in hot oil is a recipe for tragedy.”

Serafino Alfe of suburban Chicago knows how dangerous it can be. He was deep-frying turkeys for an annual fundraiser dinner a few years ago and ended up at the Loyola Burn Center with third-degree burns—the worst—on his leg.

“I tripped and fell right into the deep fryer,” he said. “Thirty quarts of hot oil poured over my leg and I basically fried myself.”

Alfe said he has used a deep fryer for many years and is always careful. “We put the deep fryers on cardboard and I caught my shoe on the edge and just lost my balance,” said Alfe, who underwent surgery at Loyola on his injured leg the day before Thanksgiving in 2011. “We were using the older fryers that do not have a secure lid and the gallons of hot oil just splattered out everywhere.”

In addition to the pain of these types of injuries, an estimated $15 million in U.S. property damage is caused by deep-fryer fires.

“Thanksgiving for many means extra people in the kitchen, close proximity to fire and hot surfaces, added stress to cook many dishes on a tight schedule, the manipulation of a large, heavy turkey and the use of sharp knives,” said Sanford, who also is an associate professor at Stritch School of Medicine. “It is easy to get distracted and injuries can occur in a flash.” Sanford also warns against drinking alcohol while cooking. “Intoxication and cooking injuries to adults are terrible but too often children become the victims and that is truly tragic,” he said.

“Too many people spend Thanksgiving in the burn center or the emergency department when they should be home with their loved ones,” Sanford said.

Loyola’s Burn Center is one of the busiest in the Midwest, treating nearly more than 600 patients annually in the hospital and another 3,500 patients each year in its clinic.

Source: Loyola University Health System
========= Miami-Dade Fire Rescue demonstrates dangers of frying turkey this Thanksgiving

DORAL, FLA. (WSVN) - Fire crews in South Florida are urging those planning to deep fry their turkey this Thanksgiving to be cautious.

With Thanksgiving this Thursday, many have deep fried turkey on their holiday menu, and fire rescue officials warned if the turkey is not properly prepared, dipping it into the deep fryer can cause an explosion.

Firefighters see almost double the normal number of cooking fires on Thanksgiving. “We always see examples of what you should do,” said Miami-Dade Fire Rescue firefighter Maggie Castro. “We’re here to show you what you shouldn’t do.”

During the cooking process, having mats around the kitchen could be a tripping hazard, as well. “You have a lot of friends and family over,” said Castro. “A lot of people who aren’t familiar with your household. Kids running around, they get excited. It just takes one split second for somebody to get hurt.”

Castro said keeping children away from hot stoves with a taped off area is one way to prevent accidents as well as keeping sharp objects from the edge of the counter. “The best way to keep pots and pans is with the handles pointed in,” said Castro.

Turkey fryers reportedly cause 1,000 injuries per year. Those injuries can amount to almost $15 million in property damages and medical bills. Experts suggest to test equipment and make certain it is working properly.

“He is wearing safety glasses,” said Castro as another fire rescue official demonstrated the proper use for turkey fryers. “He is wearing oven mits. Nice and easy, you wanna make sure you don’t drop it into the oil. Put it in slowly.”

Make sure pets are out of the area, as well, as they can cause someone to trip and fall.