Friday, September 2, 2016

Coast Guard rescued 15 fishermen from their New Seeker fishing boat after it ran aground near the Golden Gate Bridge

The Coast Guard rescued fishermen from their boat after it ran aground near the Golden Gate Bridge Thursday. (KGO-TV)

By Lisa Amin Gulezian
Friday, September 02, 2016 12:53AM
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- The Coast Guard rescued fishermen from their boat after it ran aground near the Golden Gate Bridge Thursday.

The incident happened near Kirby Cove on the Marin County side of the bridge. All 15 passengers and crew members were questioned by investigators at Fort Baker after they were rescued.

Sky 7 was over the rescue, as one by one passengers slowly climbed off of the New Seeker fishing boat. The 50-foot vessel was taking on water after Marin County sheriff's deputies say, it hit rocks on the shoreline below the north end of the Golden Gate Bridge.

The New Seeker left Emeryville at 6 a.m. for a day of salmon fishing at Point Reyes. It was during its return that the captain experienced problems and called for help as they approached Kirby Cove.

"It started coming into the shore and got kind of beached and it looked like it took on some water and the next thing we know, there is the Coast Guard and firemen," said witness Cherie Azzopard.

The Coast Guard and Marin County fire boats responded quickly, taking every precaution to save not only passengers, but also a yellow Labrador retriever on board. This was not the relaxing day anyone bargained for.

"We didn't really see it coming. It happened really fast. We hit something and it started taking on water. It's pretty scary," said Whitney Peck, a rescued passenger.

Everyone on board was driven to Fort Baker for questioning and for an assessment. The cause is still under investigation.