Sunday, September 25, 2016

A Livingston County roofer has died from his injuries after falling from a roof on Melville St. in Rochester, New York

Man Injured in Roofing Fall Dies

By TWC News Staff
Saturday, September 24, 2016 at 08:53 AM CDT

ROCHESTER, N.Y. -- A Livingston County roofer has died from his injuries after falling from a roof on Melville St. on Monday, according to Strong Memorial Hospital.

Jason Regatuso, 32, of Mount Morris and two other workers were on a section of scaffolding being supported by two ladders when one of the ladders broke Monday afternoon. Three of them fell from the roof.

Regatuso was taken to Strong Hospital with critical injuries where he later died. The other two were treated and released.

OSHA was called to the scene and is investigating. 

This was an extremely unsafe setup.  There was no scaffolding, just two ladders that buckled under the weight of the workers and material.  These people did not follow not even the basic OSHA work safety rules. 

Here are some safety requirements for scaffolding systems.

Erect scaffold systems according to the manufacturer’s requirements.
The manufacturer of every scaffold requires that bracing be
secured with a minimum of 3 -inch type AB screws or the equivalent. Consensus standard ANSI A10.8-2011 Safety Requirements for Scaffolding also states that this screw type and length, or the equivalent, be used.

Provide fall protection on scaffolds.
Protect employees on a scaffold more than 10 feet above a lower level from falling by providing either a personal fall arrest system or guardrails.

Pump jack scaffolds.
Secure poles to the structure using rigid triangular bracing or the equivalent located at the top, bottom and other points as necessary.