Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Bolt and Connector Failures: a recurring problem that raises serious safety and environmental hazard concerns

Bolt and Connector Failures

Breaking News: BSEE announces Forum on Safety Equipment Failures 

August 1, 2016

Leadership and staff of the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement have been working to address a recurring problem that raises serious safety and environmental hazard concerns - faulty connector bolts in safety critical equipment currently deployed offshore. 

There have been a number of failures - beginning over a decade ago around 2003 - of bolts that are used to connect blowout preventers, risers, and other subsea equipment. We have created this page so that government, industry, and other stakeholders can share the latest information related to these failures, including: root cause analyses of bolt/connector failures, safety alerts, industry standards and guidance, and other connector and bolt related information and guidance.