Sunday, July 3, 2016

General cargo vessel ANASTASIA ran aground on eastern coast of small island of Stroggili, near eastern tip of Euboea island, Greece, Aegean sea

General cargo vessel ANASTASIA grounding

July 3, 2016 at 10:51 by Mikhail Voytenko

General cargo vessel ANASTASIA ran aground at around 0800 LT July 3 on eastern coast of small island of Stroggili, near eastern tip of Euboea island, Greece, Aegean sea. Vessel departed from Psachna port, Euboea, bound for Thessaloniki. Reportedly there’s a breach in hull, maybe more than one. Vessel’s in ballast. 

Judging from AIS track, watch on bridge was either sleeping or absent – vessel sailed straight on the island. On a photo grounded ANASTASIA. More photos