Tuesday, June 14, 2016

worker suffered severe injuries in fall on Thursday at a Fairbury, NE meat processing plant

OSHA investigates after worker falls at Fairbury meat plant
54-year-old man suffers head trauma
UPDATED 7:41 PM CDT Jun 10, 2016

FAIRBURY, Neb. —OSHA has opened an investigation after an worker suffered severe injuries in fall on Thursday at a Fairbury meat processing plant.

The U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration's Omaha Area Office said a 54-year-old man suffered head trauma when he fell while accessing the roof of a bacon plant owned and operated by Westin Packaged Meats in Fairbury.

The initial report indicates that an employee was carrying a work light while ascending the ladder in an effort to access the roof and clean roof vents as part of regular maintenance that is performed weekly.

"Fall incidents can be prevented when employers follow three simple steps: PLAN how to do the work safely, provide necessary fall protection equipment, and train employees in the use of fall protection," said Jeff Funke, OSHA's Area Director in Omaha. "OSHA will be conducting a thorough investigation to see if any violations of safety procedures contributed to this tragic incident. Falls remain the leading cause of death on the job for construction workers."

More information about OSHA's investigative process can be found in this report.