Sunday, June 12, 2016

Security tightened at large gatherings in NYC following Orlando shooting

Gov. Cuomo says security is being tightened in New York after the Orlando shooting.

Updated 14 mins ago

NEW YORK -- New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says security will be tightened at large gatherings in New York in the aftermath of the mass shooting at an Orlando nightclub.

The governor said there will be extra police presence at events such as Sunday's Puerto Rican Day Parade, transportation hubs and sporting venues.

"This is a terrible reminder of the gun violence that we have in this nation," said Cuomo. "I'm glas that this state is taking action, because the gun violence is getting worse and worse and worse."  Let us also bring more Muslims in our country, as this will show a good faith effort that we are not hating all Muslims, just the terrorist ones (sarcasm here).

Cuomo said New York stands in total solidarity with the LGBT community and that the only thing that would make the attack worse is if the victims were targeted because they were members of the LGBT community.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that as a mark of respect for the shooting victims, all flags will be flown at half-staff.

In addition, the city will light City Hall in rainbow colors to represent LGBT pride at sunset.

"It's an act of terror, there's no question about that. and it's an act of hate. We don't know all the details but we do know it was directed at an LGBT club and that was a club that was having a Latino night," said the mayor. "So the investigation will look into all of the motivations but from what we can see right now both an act of terror and an act of hate."

The mayor said the city is on high alert, but that there are no credible threats directed against New York City.

He added there will be added police presence in front of some key LGBT community institutions.

The Port Authority is on heightened alert at all of the agency's bridge, tunnel, rail, World Trade Center and other facilities, and the MTA has increased its patrols and surveillance in order to provide heightened protection across all its agencies.