Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Gas explosion in Chicago after construction hit an old gas line

Loop streets closed following gas line explosion

The area around the intersection of State and Madison streets was closed to vehicles and pedestrians on June 14, 2016, after a gas line explosion downtown. Construction crews were believed to have hit an old, unused gas line, according to the Fire Department. No one was injured. (Jose M. Osorio / Chicago Tribune)

Chicago Tribune staff

The area surrounding the intersection of State and Madison streets was closed to vehicles and pedestrians Tuesday afternoon after a gas line explosion downtown, police said.

Fire crews and a hazardous materials team responded. No one was injured, according to the Chicago Fire Department's official Twitter account.

When the construction crew hit the old line, an undetermined source of ignition caused gas in the line, which runs from Randolph to Madison streets, to be lit on fire, causing a "poof" inside the line, said Peoples spokesman Scott Alwin

Construction crews were believed to have hit an old, unused gas line, according to the Fire Department. Peoples Gas crews were expected to be clearing the old line Tuesday afternoon of any residual gas, Alwin said.