Friday, September 4, 2015

Navigational errors in the narrow fairway NW of the island Usedom caused the grounding of cargo ship M/V "Rix Alliance"

Thursday, 03 September 2015 12:50
Grounding off Wolgast 

 Written by AdminSailor 

In the afternoon of Sep 2, 2015, the cargo ship M/V "Rix Alliance" got stuck while approaching the port of Wolgast. 

The accident happened when the ship tried to pass the "Samia B" which had run aground on the Knaak Back Trench while entering the Peene river, having sailed from Varberg on Sep 1. 

The "Rix Alliance" was coming from Wolgast, where she had sailed at 1 p.m., and heading towards Rostock. 

While the "Rix Alliance" refloated soon after, the "Samia B" could only be refloated with assistance of the lifeboat "Eugen" in the night hours and docked in Wolgast on Sep 3 at 6.15. 

The "Rix Alliance" berthed in the port of Peenemünde at 4 p.m. for surveys. 

Both accidents were thought to have been caused by navigational errors in the narrow fairway NW of the island Usedom.