Thursday, September 3, 2015

FIX YOUR GASOLINE LEAK: gas leak and electrical or mechanical sparking cause a truck to burst into flames in Chesterfield, VA

Rashad Coleman says his truck burst into flames, moments after he started it on Monday morning. (Credit: Rashad Coleman) 


A man was inside his truck when it burst into flames. He managed to escape unscathed, and Chesterfield Fire says it all started from a gas leak.

Moments after escaping a potentially life-threatening situation, Rashad Coleman captured video of his truck engulfed in flames right outside his home on Salix Grove Terrace.

"It just kept burning more and more, under the truck, on top, inside the truck, it was burning," said Coleman.

Coleman says he knew something wasn't right when he smelled gas after turning the ignition Monday morning.

"As soon as I was backing up I smelt it, and I said, 'What is that smell?' I turned around, and as soon as I did, something exploded, like boom!" said Coleman.

He says flames suddenly burst from the hood of his 95 Dodge Ram while he was in the driver's seat.

"I just put it in park, turned the car off, and jumped out the truck," said Coleman.

Coleman didn't get very far from his home. He says he was just backing the truck up when it burst into flames, leaving a large black spot behind in the cul-de-sac where he lives.

"Once I jumped out, not even 10 seconds it was in flames," said Coleman.

Coleman made it out just before the truck became fully engulfed. Chesterfield Fire responded and hosed down the flames. Coleman stood back, capturing it all on his phone, happy he made it out safely.

"I'm glad I wasn't far away somewhere, and it happened on the highway. I might not have made it out in time," said Coleman.

Chesterfield Fire confirms there was a gas leak, and the cause could have been electrical or mechanical.

"Thank God I'm OK. Could have went a lot worse than what it did," said Coleman.

Coleman says he uses the truck every day for his contracting work. He just had it serviced last week, and wasn't having any troubles with it.

Chesterfield Fire says it's crucial -- especially with older cars -- to keep them regularly maintained.