Thursday, September 3, 2015

Another young man dies after crashing Corvette on Winfield Drive in Laredo, Texas

Updated: Thursday, September 3, 2015

By: Matt McGovern


The Laredo Police Department Crash Team is busy Thursday morning trying to put the pieces together in another crash.

A 20-year-old lost control of his Corvette, and crashed on Winfield Drive around midnight. The driver was later identified as Eusebio Berrum Barrios.

Police say Barrios died in the hospital.

The case is currently under investigation.


Local law enforcement speaks on TxDOT campaign

Updated: Thu 12:28 PM, Sep 03, 2015

By: Matt McGovern


According to recent data, a DUI/alcohol crash happens every 21 minutes and 32 seconds in the State of Texas.

This is why local, and state law enforcement agencies are joining forces - working overtime to catch those who get behind the wheel under the influence of alcohol.

Last summer in Texas, more than 300 people were killed, and 680 were seriously injured in alcohol-related crashes.

TxDOT wants drivers to plan ahead for a safe ride home during the holiday weekend. Tonight on KGNS News, we'll hear the message from local law enforcement about the Drink, Drive, Go to Jail campaign.

The problem is that young people have not fully developed the logical part of their brain; so, not all that makes any sense to them, until it is too late as happened to this young man who crashed his car onto a wall and died.  He will not do that again for sure, as he reached his final destination.