Monday, August 17, 2015

THANK YOU! National Guard called in to help fight Washington wildfires

National Guard Blackhawk helicopters arrived in Washington over the weekend.

 Posted: AugUST 16, 2015 -

As the season’s worst fire conditions continue in eastern Washington , the Washington State Department of Natural Resources has requested assistance from the Washington National Guard.

Two National Guard Blackhawk helicopters arrived Saturday, and five 20-person hand crews are set to arrive Sunday evening to join 350 firefighters battling one of the state’s most active fires, Cougar Creek, on the southeastern slopes of Mount Adams. The Guard crews recently completed wildland fire training in Yakima.

“The Guard’s help now is vital,” said Mary Verner, DNR’s deputy for wildfire said in a release. “This partnership is essential to our ability to fight wildfire aggressively and effectively under very challenging conditions.”