Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Staff of Queen Mary 2 Banned from Drinking Alcohol and Deck Priviledges Revoked after Crewmember Went Overboard

AUGUST 19, 2015

 Written by AdminSailor 

The Telegraph newspaper in the UK is reporting that the staff on board the cruise ship the Queen Mary 2 were banned from drinking alcohol after a Chilean chef went overboard off the coast of Newfoundland early Saturday morning. 

A search failed to turn up any sign of the 26-year-old. 

Halifax Regional Police are now conducting an investigation into the incident. 

The Telegraph is reporting that the young man had been drinking prior to his disappearance and had told other staff that he wanted to throw himself overboard. The paper quotes a fellow staff member as saying they put their co-worker to bed. 

He was discovered missing the next morning and surveillance footage prompted the ship's crew to turn the vessel around to conduct a search. The search was eventually called off Sunday. 

A crew member told the Telegraph that alcohol has been banned for all crew members and that all 'deck privileges' have been taken away since the incident.