Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Offshore Worker Dies on North Sea Shell-Operated FPSO

Published in Oil Industry News on Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Graphic for Offshore Worker Dies on North Sea FPSO in Oil and Gas News
A father-of-two has died after collapsing aboard an FPSO in the central North Sea.

Medics on the Anasuria were unable to revive 61 year old William Nichol who was working for IKM Testing UK Limited after he became unwell on Tuesday.

Mr Nichol, from Normanby in North Yorkshire, will be “sadly missed”, said IKM Testing UK managing director Tony Perkin.

He added: “Mr Nichol was a dedicated and valued member of the IKM team.”
Mr Nichol, from Normanby in North Yorkshire, leaves behind his wife Ann and sons Chris and Simon.

Police have been sent offshore to investigate following the incident which happened at around 4pm on Tuesday on the Shell-operated vessel.

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