Thursday, July 9, 2015

What a Joke: To justify terrorizing the public and violating our privacy, FBI now claims that it thwarted Islamic State-inspired attacks on July 4 just because no attacks took place!!!


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. authorities thwarted plots to kill people in the United States around the July 4 holiday, FBI Director James Comey said on Thursday. 

Comey told reporters more than 10 people inspired by the Islamic State's recruitment online have been arrested over the past four weeks, some of which were focused on attacks around the July 4 holiday. 

FBI and the Department of Homeland Security issued a warning to local law enforcement to be on alert for attacks around July 4. No such attacks occurred. 

Comey did not give the details on the number of plots thwarted or their targets. 

He said dozens of people in the United States who are suspected to be under the influence of Islamic State militants have "gone dark" because of encrypted data.

(Reporting by Julia Edwards; Editing by Doina Chiacu)

Meanwhile, the real terrorists in our land, the drunk or aggressive or reckless drivers, the crazy gunmen, the gangsters, and so on, killed more than 500 people and injured another 50,000.  It seems that our priorities are misplaced and we are focusing too much on a distant or minor enemy.  

The FBI needs to stop terrorizing and alarming the public over few crazies.  Unless they do that to justify their attack on our privacy and the massive surveillance expenses and the massive militarization of the police.