Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Train-truck collision in Queens prompts FRA to conduct review of railroad’s safety culture, management

Federal Railroad Administration Launches Focused Safety Review of New York & Atlantic Railway

U.S. Department
of Transportation

Office of Public Affairs,
Washington D.C.

www.dot.gov/briefingroomExternal Link

JULY 21, 2015
CONTACT: FRA Public Affairs Office
PHONE: 202-493-6024
SUBJECT: Accident Investigations
KEYWORDS: NY & A, safety, review
ABSTRACT: Train-truck collision in Queens prompts FRA to conduct review of railroad’s safety culture, management
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) today launched a comprehensive, focused safety review of the New York & Atlantic Railway’s (NY&A) safety culture and management practices. Today’s announcement follows FRA’s launch of an investigation into the July 8, 2015, train-truck collision at Maspeth Avenue in Queens, New York. 

NY&A has committed their full cooperation as the safety review moves forward.
 The safety analysis conducted by FRA will review NY&A Railway's compliance with federal regulations, its operational practices and its overall safety culture. 

The safety analysis team will be composed of multiple-discipline safety inspectors from FRA Region 1.  

 “Rail safety is a responsibility DOT shares with the operators,” said Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx. “Railroads must adhere to the strict standards of safety set by FRA, and FRA must ensure and enforce compliance in order to protect lives. This safety review aims to do just that.”

 FRA’s rail safety team will look at:
  • NY&A operating departments;
  • Engineer and conductor certification;
  • Locomotive engineer oversight;
  • Grade crossings diagnostics;
  • Operation control center procedures and rail traffic controller training;
  • Human factors; and
  • Compliance with federal operating practices regulations.
 “In this safety sweep of NY&A, FRA will provide recommendations on specific areas where the railroad must improve to meet the high safety standards FRA and the country expect,” Acting FRA Administrator Sarah Feinberg said.

 Once the focused safety review is complete, FRA will issue a report that includes findings and recommendations. FRA will also evaluate NY&A Railway’s follow-up to the recommendations and determine if additional actions are necessary to strengthen safety at NY&A Railway.