Saturday, July 11, 2015

Lawn Mowers Can Cause Injuries and/or Death


Lawn mower accident leads to local push for yard work safety

Posted: July 10, 2015
 It was just an average summer day spent mowing the lawn for Ronald Cox, until his lawn mower knocked out of gear and started speeding down the hillside.

"It was just going so fast and when I did it started turning over and I jumped off of it. When all was said and done I was underneath the mower." said Ronald of South Charleston, WV.

He says he felt completely helpless as the roar of the motor muffled his screams. Thankfully, Ronald's 16 year old neighbor, Will Redmon, was able to hear him yelling and ran down the hill to help him.

"By the time I got there he said he was about out of breath and couldn't scream anymore. I got there and I was able to pick it up high enough for him to move a little bit to get to where he could breathe." said Will. 

Will and Ronald's wife Diane were able to lift the 700 plus pound mower from his body, and he made it out with some deep cuts and an injured collar bone. Now, Ronald's yard is a reminder of how close he came to losing his life and safety is more important than ever.

According the the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, always mow hillsides from side to side when using a push mower and up and down when using a riding mower. It's also important to have your lawn mower serviced at the beginning of every grass cutting season to make sure it's in proper working order.

Ronald's close call is something Will says totally changes his perspective on yard work safety.

"It does make me think different and it makes me a little bit more cautious. Just in a split second like that it can change and that thing will hurt you." said Will.
Ronald says God had a bigger plan for him when he saw Will arrive in his moment of need, and now he and his wife look at the little boy next door in an entirely different light. 

"We've known him all along and thought of him as a kid, but that day and from now on we know that Will is a man." said Diane Cox.