Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Heat Stroke Takes Thousands of Lives Every Year: 30 Year Old Oilfield Worker – Dies after working in extreme heat

Oilfield Families of America member Travis Underwood died on June 30, 2015 while re-working a well in Great Bend KS.  

Travis worked for Klima Well Service Inc and was part of a 3 man crew, that was moving tubing and pipe into the sige.  He reported that he didn’t feel well and took a break.  

When he did not return the crew went to look for him and found him unresponsive lying next to his truck.  His girlfriend Dilansy Tracy told us that Travis was rushed to the hospital and had a temperature of 110 degrees.  His heart had stopped twice and on the third time they could not bring him back. 

 OSHA is investigating the incident and released the following statement:

“Our condolences are with the worker’s family and friends who have suffered an irreplaceable loss”, said Judy Freeman, OSHA’s area director in Wichita.  “These incidents are preventable regardless of how long an employee works for a company.”  
Heat illness can be deadly, an OSHA news release said. Every year, thousands of workers become sick from exposure to heat, and some even die. Heat illnesses and deaths are preventable. Employers are responsible for providing workplaces that are safe from excessive heat.  
The OSHA Web page also has guidance related to addressing heat illness at For information on the OSHA inspection process
 To ask questions, obtain compliance assistance, file a complaint, orreportworkplace hospitalizations, fatalities or situations posing imminent danger to workers, the public should call OSHA’s toll-free hotline at 800-321-OSHA (6742), or the agency’s Wichita Area Office at 316-269-6644. 

Guys, drink lots of water. Take care of yourselves.  It is a tragedy that anyone would lose their life from overheating.

Travis Underwood was a loving father to his 2 sons and the love of Dilansy’s life.  He enjoyed playing with his sons, watching them play ball and spending time with family and friends.  Travis was always a go-getter and his life was the oilfield.  He will be greatly missed.