Friday, July 10, 2015

Electrocuted worker in Leesburg, GA is responding by blinking his eyes and nodding.

Posted: July 10, 2015

A man who was severely shocked while working at his job Tuesday is slowly improving.

We spoke to 22-year-old Cody Dooling's uncle this afternoon, and he says that Cody is now breathing on his own.

Larry Barricklow says his nephew is responding by blinking his eyes and nodding.

He does have some movement and continues to improve slowly.

He is expected to recover but has a long road ahead. It is not clear how long he will remain hospitalized.

It happened around 11:00 a.m. Tuesday in Leesburg while some workers were moving a large electric welding machine which tipped over during the move, and trapped Dooling for several seconds and shocked with 240 volts of electricity before the other workers could free him.