Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Registered Nurse was faking work injury, Delaware County, Pennsylvania DA says

A Delaware County nurse was arrested and charged with filing a false insurance claim, theft by deception and other offenses after allegedly being filmed leading an exercise classes while claiming she could not work because of an injury she incurred while helping move a patient.

Jamie Scott, 36, of Ridley Township, Pa., said she initially hurt her shoulder in August 2014, while lifting a heavy patient at work at Taylor Hospital.

The complaint against Scott filed by the Delaware County District Attorney’s Office notes Scott, while receiving physical therapy, was placed on restricted duty and later on light duty at the hospital. Then Scott, according to the complaint, told her doctor in January that her condition was improving and she wanted to return to full duty.

The complaint states on Feb. 7 Scott reported back to full-duty at work at the hospital, but when she helped pull a patient up she said she had an immediate recurrence of her shoulder pain and was unable to work the following day.

A doctor’s evaluation concluded Scott was able to return to a modified work duty with no heavy lifting. Scott, the complaint states, continued to complain of decreased mobility, joint instability and tenderness along with pain that was aggravated by driving a vehicle and lifting. 

She said at a doctor's appointment on April 13 that her recovery from the injury was not progressing, she still felt sharp pain in her shoulder, but she was able to perform light duty at work, court records show.
