Friday, June 19, 2015

Fishing is one of the most dangerous industries: Coast Guard investigates cause of collision and sunken fishing vessel near Martha’s Vineyard

Morro Bay 47 


The Coast Guard is investigating the sinking of the fishing vessel Robert C that occurred near Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., Monday.

At 12:08 p.m. Coast Guard Sector Southeastern New England’s Command Center received a radio hail, from the sole person aboard, stating the fishing vessel Robert C was taking on water one and a half miles northwest of Menemsha. There had been a collision between the fishing vessel Pedlar and Robert C, both home-ported in Fairhaven. Coast Guard Station Menemsha immediately issued a Urgent Marine Information Broadcast and launched a 47-foot Motor Life Boat. 

While the boat crew was in route, the fishing vessel Robert C sank. Fishing vessel Shearwater, home-ported in New Bedford Harbor, recovered the person in the water and delivered the person to Menemsha Harbor. The individual was evaluated by local EMS and no injuries were reported. 

“The Coast Guard is always grateful to anyone who lends a helping hand to boats or people in distress at sea.” said Lt. Jarrod Pomajzl, Command Center Chief at Sector Southeastern New England. 

Currently, the Coast Guard is working with Mass. State agencies and the vessel owner to ensure that the wreck, which will not be salvaged, is clearly marked. Divers finished plugging the vessel vents Thursday to avoid future fuel discharges of diesel.
The cause of this sinking is currently being investigated.