Friday, June 26, 2015

Detroit Wastewater Treatment Plant Evacuated Due To Strong Chlorine Smell Made the Worker's Eyes Burning


A Detroit wastewater treatment plant was evacuated for about an hour and-a-half, early Wednesday morning, after workers said a strong chlorine smell left their eyes burning.

Workers at Pump Station called 911, said Detroit Water and Sewerage Department spokesman Greg Eno, and HAZMAT crews discovered a white substance in a collection basin.

They’ve taken a sample to determine what the substance is.

“There’s still an ongoing investigation about how this happened; and, of course, once we find out how it happened the next step, of course, would be to take steps to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

Eno said the water is safe to drink.

“It’s nothing pervasive and I don’t think it’s necessarily a symptom of something that’s seriously wrong,” Eno added. “This things happen, and accidents happen, and we’re just trying find out what happened.”

No illnesses or injuries were reported.