Sunday, May 24, 2015


MAY 24, 2015


A dog is dead this morning after being shot to death by two police officers in Paterson, New Jersey.  The dog was lying next to a tree located before 77 Hamilton Street in downtown Paterson.  Next to the dog there was a 3-inch long, 1-inch diameter object that appeared to be the dog’s poop.

According to eye-witnesses accounts, two police officers witnessed the dog sniffing around the tree, looking for that perfect spot to lay its deposit.
The two cops then ordered the dog to freeze so that they call the bomb squad to perform a more thorough investigation of the scene.

The eye-witnesses said that the dog then stood in an upright position trying to unload the interior burden.  This is when the two cops fired 12 shots at Poochy, killing him instantly.

Afterwards, the cops stated that they fell threatened by the dog’s refusal to obey orders;  they said that this is attitude displayed by extremists and terrorists who do not respect our law and order.  They also stated that they fell threatened by the dog’s upright position.  They said that they were frightened and they believed that the brown object coming out of the dog’s behind was an explosive device and they acted in self-defense.

The prosecutor for the City of Paterson refused to file charges against the two brave officers.  She said that Poochy was a serial offender and that he refused to submit to the officers’ orders.

A Golden Bravery Metal has been commemorated and awarded to the two officers who saved our city from Poochy the dog.