Monday, May 25, 2015

EPA actions under review after the agency's silence of the Viva Energy chemical spill into Corio Bay

Viva Energy spilled thousands of litres into Corio Bay last August.
Viva Energy spilled thousands of litres into Corio Bay last August.
The public review of the state’s environment watchdog is about to start after Environment Minister Lisa Neville criticised the EPA over its ­silence after a spill at the former Geelong Shell Refinery. 

Ms Neville has announced the appointment of an advisory committee for the review led by former Secretary of the Department of Justice, Penny Armytage.
The review will examine the powers and resourcing of the EPA.

The spill in August saw 9800 litres of diisopropylamine leak into Corio Bay from Viva Energy’s refinery in Corio, the former Shell site.

The incident was made public only after the Geelong Advertiser made inquiries to the EPA in April, prompting criticism from Ms Neville about transparency.
Ms Neville said this week the Government was ensuring the EPA was equipped to provide a healthy environment.

“The relevant legislation is almost 46 years old,’’ she said.

“This is about ensuring the regulator keeps up with the times and has the powers and resources it needs to do its job.

“The advisory committee will seek the views of the community, industry and workers in relevant industries before providing its recommendations to the Government.”

The advisory committee will also comprise Jane Brockington, former CEO of the 2009 Bushfires Royal Commission, and Janice Van Reyk, non-executive director of Northern Territory EPA.

The Committee will examine how the regulator can protect the environment and safeguard public health.

The review will start in June and a report is expected by the end of next March.
