Thursday, May 7, 2015

BNSF OIL TRAIN THAT DERAILED BURST INTO FLAMES IN NORTH DAKOTA WAS EXTINGUISHED EARLY THURSDAY; EVACUATED RESIDENTS WERE ALLOWED TO RETURN. War and buffet says to have a coke on him, as he is trying to fix the mess with his lousy railroad.

May 7, 2015


An oil train that burst into flames after derailing in North Dakota was extinguished early Thursday, and nearby residents who were evacuated from their homes were allowed to return. Crews were removing the remaining oil from the tank cars that burned.

The 20 people who live in Heimdal went home Wednesday night after the fire died down, Wells County Commission Chairman Mark Schmitz said.

"It had pretty much quieted down by 8, 9 o'clock," he said of the fire scene. "Firemen said it was just a matter of watching it, making sure it didn't flare up again."

Residents were ordered from their homes shortly after the BNSF Railway train derailed about 7:30 a.m. Wednesday outside the town, about 115 miles northeast of Bismarck. No injuries were reported.

The National Transportation Safety Board is investigating the cause of the wreck.

The six cars that caught fire on the 109-car train were carrying approximately 180,000 gallons of oil, according to BNSF vice president Mike Trevino. He did not immediately know early Thursday how much burned and how much was left in the cars once the fire was extinguished but he expected the operation to transfer the oil to trucks to wrap up by midday.

Once the NTSB has cleared the site, the derailed cars can be removed, and this should happen by Thursday evening, Trevino said.

Officials are trying to determine how much oil spilled onto the ground and to get it cleaned up, Trevino said.

The rail line through Heimdal runs next to an intermittent waterway known as the Big Slough, which drains into the James River about 15 miles downstream. Some oil got into the slough, but it was contained and was being recovered, state Emergency Services spokeswoman Cecily Fong said early Thursday.

The train was hauling crude from the state's oil patch, and the accident raised questions about whether new state standards intended to reduce the volatility of such shipments are sufficient.

Industry representatives and state officials said oil companies have been complying with a standard that went into effect April 1 requiring them to remove propane, butane and other gases that occur in North Dakota crude to reduce the chance of tank cars catching fire. There was no immediate indication of a violation of that rule with the train involved in Wednesday's accident.

The six tank cars that exploded into flames were a model slated to be phased out or retrofitted by 2020 under a federal rule announced last week. It's the fifth fiery accident since February involving that type of tank car, and industry critics responded to the latest with calls for them to be taken off the tracks immediately to prevent further fires.

For residents of Wells County — which oil trains cross daily — the disaster was the realization of something they always feared might happen, Schmitz said.
"It's definitely been in the back of everybody's minds," he said.



Nov. 10 (Bloomberg) -- Days after Warren Buffett announced his $26.5 billion buyout of railroad BNSF, he insisted that he’d paid a steep price to own a business that would benefit his company, Berkshire Hathaway Inc., over the next century. 

“You don’t get bargains on things like that,” he said in a November 2009 interview with Charlie Rose that aired on PBS. “It’s not cheap.” 

Five years later, that assessment rings a bit hollow. Buoyed by an onshore oil boom, BNSF has become a cash machine for Buffett. The railroad had sent more than $15 billion in dividends to Berkshire through Sept. 30, according to quarterly regulatory filings, the latest of which was released last week. More stunning: The business is on pace to return all the cash Buffett spent taking it private by the end of this year. 

Annual revenue at the railroad has risen 57 percent, and earnings more than doubled to $3.8 billion since Buffett bought it. Sales have climbed even as BNSF faced increased public scrutiny over service delays and safety. 

“He stole it,” said Jeff Matthews, a Berkshire shareholder and author of books about the company. “He’s got to feel really good that he bought it when he did, because it’s a wonderful asset, and it’s done nothing but get more valuable in the time that he’s owned it.” 

The railroad’s profit continued its climb in the third quarter as revenue from agricultural and industrial shipments, including oil, rose. The business accounted for more than a fifth of Omaha, Nebraska-based Berkshire’s net income in the period, according to a Nov. 7 regulatory filing. 

Oil Glut
Berkshire’s third-quarter profit slipped 8.6 percent to $4.62 billion on investment results, including the impairment of a holding in U.K. retailer Tesco Plc. Buffett’s company climbed 0.7 percent to $216,525 at 9:33 a.m. in New York trading after operating earnings beat analysts’ estimates on gains at units including the railroad. 

BNSF’s tracks sit on top of North Dakota’s Bakken formation, where energy producers are using fracking and other extraction methods to pull crude from the ground in unprecedented volumes. Because pipeline capacity is limited in the area, oil companies have turned to BNSF to ship their product to refineries.
The extra freight has exacerbated weather-related train tie-ups that the railroad has spent months working to resolve. In June, the U.S. Surface Transportation Board ordered BNSF and Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. to report plans for resolving the delays. 

Below Standards
At a hearing in North Dakota in September, state officials urged the railroad to improve service. BNSF has said it’s adding workers and rail cars to improve operations. In the filing last week, Berkshire said that the railroad’s service is still “well below” its standards. 

The expansion of crude shipments has also created risks for the industry. Derailments of oil tank cars in the U.S. and Canada have led to fires, spills and the bankruptcy of smaller carrier Montreal, Maine & Atlantic Railway Ltd. after a derailment in Quebec last year that killed 47 people. 

BNSF has worked to allay concerns about oil shipments by agreeing to buy 5,000 safer tank cars. It has also announced plans to apply a surcharge on an older generation of cars that have been involved in some of the worst accidents.
Investments like those have been common since Berkshire took over. The railroad budgeted a record $5 billion this year to upgrade its network, expand facilities and buy equipment. That’s about $1 billion more than it spent in 2013.

Cash, Stock
Even with those increasing outlays, BNSF’s climbing earnings have helped make the multiple that Buffett paid look small. Berkshire was already the railroad’s largest shareholder when he agreed to buy out the remaining 77.5 percent of the company. The price included Berkshire stock and $15.9 billion in cash. Since the beginning of 2011, the railroad has paid distributions to its parent of at least $750 million a quarter. 

Union Pacific Corp., BNSF’s main competitor in the western U.S., currently trades for about 12.6 times annual pretax, pre-interest income, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Were Buffett’s railroad to fetch that kind of price now, 77.5 percent of it would be worth about $66.5 billion -- more than double what Berkshire paid. 

Part of Buffett’s success with BNSF comes down to luck, said James Armstrong, who oversees Berkshire shares as president of Henry H. Armstrong Associates. Very little crude was being shipped by rail when Buffett bought the company and it wasn’t widely known that BNSF would play such a big role in transporting oil from where it was produced. 

Luck aside, there’s little upside for Buffett in bragging, said Armstrong. Berkshire is always looking to buy other businesses and it needs to have a reputation for paying fair prices, he said. 

“It’s never in Buffett’s interest to indicate that he got a bargain, even though that’s what he’s shooting for,” Armstrong said. “He has to manage other people’s perception of him.”
