Saturday, May 30, 2015

A 1976 Bell 206B helicopter being used to inspect high-voltage lines crashed in trees in Caledonia, Michigan


Power line inspectors uninjured after 1976 Bell 206B helicopter crashes into trees in Caledonia


Strong tree branches may have saved two men from injury or death after their helicopter crashed late Friday morning in western Michigan.

The men, contracted by Consumers Energy, were doing visual inspections of overhead power lines from inside the Bell 206B when the helicopter went down just before noon in Caledonia, southeast of Grand Rapids.

"If they had a mechanical issue or anything that drove them to the ground . they probably would've hit much harder and at that point, who knows, it might've been a different story," said Caledonia Fire Chief Brian Bennett. "But in this case all things turned out really well and they're not injured."

They were able to disconnect the helicopter's battery and fuel supply after getting lodged in the tree. A bucket truck helped them down from their 80-foot perch.

The helicopter involved in the crash is a 1976 Bell 206B Jet Ranger owned by Hawkeye Helicopter, a Kansas power line inspection company.

Officials still don’t know what caused the helicopter to crash, but the Federal Aviation Administration has been called in to investigate.

Brenda Hanna, who lives near the scene and witnessed the crash, told 24 Hour News 8 she saw the helicopter flying low before it started to spin.

“It just went dead,” Hanna said, describing how the aircraft made no noise before it crashed.

Now that two people have been safely rescued from a helicopter that crashed into some treetops, emergency crews are figuring out how to remove the aircraft.

The crash was reported around 11:45 a.m. Friday in the 6900 block of 76th St. SE, near Thornapple River Dr.

The two people aboard are Consumers Energy contractors who were inspecting some high-voltage lines. They were uninjured in the crash but needed help getting down. Crews cut down trees to make room for bringing in a Hydaker-Wheatlake Power Line Supply Co. bucket truck to rescue them. There was some concern that it might be necessary to have a Coast Guard helicopter airlift them; that turned out not to be the case.

The pilot is 55-year-old Ken Wilson from Dolan Springs, Arizona. His passenger was 27-year-old Raymond Osan III from Stockbridge, Michigan. While waiting to be rescued, they were able to climb out of the helicopter and hold onto the treetops.

Another helicopter might be used to remove the aircraft; crews have been brainstorming how they'll get it out. The crashed helicopter is not in an area where it's posing a threat should it fall. It is heavily damaged, though.

The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating the crash, trying to determine the cause.