Thursday, April 16, 2015


APRIL 2, 2015

Solvay Specialty Polymers claims "major findings" in a water contamination investigation revealed no contaminants in surface water and most private drinking wells.

The investigation, however, is far from over and the West Deptford plastics company's cooperation is waning, according to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

Solvay is blamed for perfluorononanic acid (PFNA) contamination in private and public wells in at least six Gloucester County towns, with NJDEP identifying the company as the "point source" for the chemical, according to NJDEP spokesman Larry Hajna.

In a full-page paid advertisement in a South Jersey newspaper Thursday, Solvay provided a written update on "what we have done so far and what we have learned."

The ad — an outrage to NJDEP commissioner Bob Martin — indicated "major findings" from Solvay's "voluntary and extensive" work with the NJDEP and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Solvay claimed PFNA was found in sediment, but not surface water samples of the Delaware River; PFNA was not found in most of the 95 private drinking wells samples; and PFNA was detected in other locations farther from its plant, suggesting "the existence of sources closer to those locations."

"Our results indicate that PFNA comes from multiple sources in the region," the ad indicated.

NJDEP officials call Solvay's statement "extremely premature."

"They have made it seem like they're taking themselves off the hook," Hajna said.

"The data we've gotten so far has been incomplete and inconclusive."

Martin released a statement indicating extreme disappoint at Solvay's suggestion the investigation is near completion.

Weiss True Value, on Broad Street in Paulsboro, is a distribution point for bottled water paid for by Solvay Solexis, owner of a West Deptford plastics plant that many fear has contaminated the water supplies around it.  (Photo: Carly Q. Romalino/Courier-Post )

"Solvay appears to be trying to absolve itself of any further responsibility, when, in fact, we are only in the first phase of investigation," Martin's statement said.

"Investigation work Solvay has submitted to the DEP to date falls far short of our expectations, neglecting to investigate pathways by which PFNAs have gotten into the area's ground water and failing to outline future steps to be taken as the investigation continues."

High levels of PFNA were discovered in public wells in Paulsboro, Woodbury and East Greenwich in 2013 by an environmental watchdog group.

The group's results — the highest at 150 parts per trillion in Paulsboro — exceeded the state's proposed 20 parts per trillion standard, spurring NJDEP to test private wells in areas surrounding the plant.

PFNA is used for waterproofing, stain and grease resistance, fire-fighting foams. Solvay did not manufacture PFNA, but it used it as a production process aid until 2010, the company wrote in its ad.

An NJDEP draft report on the chemical noted a link to cancers in lab mice.
"Our concern is the chemical is traveling through shallow grand water aquifers," Hajna said.

"NJDEP has had to step up and do some of this work because Solvay has not. While they started off cooperating with the DEP it has become increasingly difficult in recent months."
