Sunday, April 12, 2015

2 dead after kayak church group was hit by high winds near Dungeness Bay in Washington


Two people died after a kayaking accident near Dungeness Bay.

The U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Navy rescued three kayakers on Saturday.

Hospital officials confirm one kayaker, identified as 39-year-old Mandi Walkley, died after being airlifted from Dungeness Bay Saturday night. Another kayaker, 52-year-old Jacob Austin from Lacey, also died after a wind gust hit their church kayaking group.

Another man was injured, he was stabilized overnight.

Four other people in the church group were able to swim to shore safely.

Authorities said winds were reported at 35 mph with 3-foot high seas at the time of the rescue. It's not clear yet if anyone in the group was wearing life jackets.