Friday, March 6, 2015

Sulphur Creek Oil Spill, Washington State

(Information on this site is considered to be accurate at the time of posting, but is subject to change as new information becomes available.)

March 4, 2015, 2 p.m.
Initial estimates are that 1,500 – 2,200 gallons of oil flowed into a ditch leading to the Sulphur Creek Wasteway. The oil entered the Yakima River and traveled downstream towards the City of Prosser. To date little oil has been has been observed downstream of Prosser.
A Unified Command made up of Ecology, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Yakama Nation and the Responsible Party are continuing to direct response efforts.

The National Response Corporation (NRC), Yakama Nation, and Ecology Responders continue clean-up efforts. A significant amount of absorbent pads, protective boom and collection equipment has been deployed by Ecology and NRC responders at multiple locations in the area to contain and clean up oil.

As of now the majority of the response is being paid for through Ecology’s Oil Spill Response Account.

As reported yesterday, Ecology conducted one over-flight on Monday, March 2, and several on the ground assessments to determine the impacts to shorelines, sensitive areas and impacts to wildlife. The surveys confirmed:

•  The source is contained.
•  The ditch from the source to the Sulphur Creek Wasteway is heavily oiled.
•  The Sulphur Creek Wasteway is heavily oiled.
•  There are pockets of oil and sheening along the shores of the Yakima River downstream to Prosser.
•  Minimal sheening downstream of the Prosser Diversion Dam.

Impacts to birds are verified. Ecology directed NRC to subcontract with Focus Wildlife to begin addressing wildlife impacts.

Focus Wildlife is on-site today conducting surveys to locate impacted wildlife.
The Department of Fish and Wildlife has established a hotline to report impacts to wildlife @ 1-800-22BIRDS (1-800-222-4737) or email

March 3, 2015, 2 p.m.
Responders have observed at least 50 birds that are moderately oiled as a result of the spill.

Unified Command will work with a wildlife rehabilitation organization to conduct surveys and a full evaluation of the impacts to waterfowl and other wildlife. This will include any rehabilitation deemed necessary.

People are requested to stay away from oiled wildlife to minimize stress to the animals. Citizens should not attempt to capture any oiled wildlife; such efforts could endanger the safety both of the public and the animals.

Report oiled animals by leaving a detailed message at 1-800-22BIRDS (1-800-222-4737) or email

March 2, 2015, 5:30 p.m.
An over-flight taken by Ecology the afternoon of Monday, March 2, showed the vast majority of the oil released remains in a 7-mile stretch of Sulphur Creek, which is boomed at the confluence with the Yakima River.
A light sheen of oil can be seen for approximately 12 River Miles along the Yakima River between Sulphur Creek and Prosser, with little observed below the Prosser Dam.

Ecology has established a Unified Command with representatives from the Yakama Nation, the US Environmental Protection Agency, and Deaton Land LLC, owners of the property where the release occurred.

On Tuesday, oil collection and shoreline assessments will continue along Sulphur Creek and on the Yakima River.

March 2, 2015 3 p.m.
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has activated its oiled wildlife hotline where citizens may report birds or animals affected by the spill. The Yakima River provides habitat for hundreds of fish and wildlife. Sulphur Creek drains into to the Yakima River near the Sunnyside Wildlife Area, where waterfowl are wintering. The area also is home to river otters, muskrats, beaver and other water-oriented mammals

Oiled Wildlife Reporting Hotline:
The public may notify the Wildlife Branch of oiled wildlife observations by leaving a detailed message at 1-800-22BIRDS (1-800-222-4737) or email

Please describe how many animals were observed, the location of the animals observed, how much oil was observed on the animal, and whether or not the animal appeared mobile or incapacitated. Reports received from the public will be routed to personnel in charge of searching for and recovering oiled wildlife. 

Members of the public are requested to stay away from oiled wildlife to minimize stress to the animals. They should not attempt to capture any oiled wildlife; as such efforts could endanger the safety both of the public and the animals.
Volunteer Information: We are not requesting volunteer assistance at this time. In the event that volunteers are needed, a separate Public Service Announcement will be issued instructing the public on available opportunities.
However, if you’re interested in registering to be an oil spill or wildlife volunteer in the future, please visit and register at

March 2, 2015  10:15 a.m.
Oil boom and absorbent pads are staged at various points along Sulphur Creek several miles from the site to the mouth of the Creek at the Yakima River.
NRC has deployed two more boom lines. One across mouth. And 200 feet collection boom by the Mabton Bridge on the Yakima River. Two skimmers collecting oil in Sulphur Creek.

March 2, 2015  9:50 a.m.
An above ground storage tank near Sunnyside failed on Sunday, March 1, sending as much as 1,500 gallons of used motor oil into Sulphur Creek and the Yakima River. The spill created a sheen seen as far south as Prosser.

Department of Ecology spill responders Sunday afternoon deployed absorbent pads and protective boom at multiple locations, including about 900 feet upstream of the mouth of Sulphur Creek and at a fish hatchery on the Yakima River in Prosser.

The environmental cleanup company NRC has been hired and is using vacuum trucks to remove the remaining oil. Local, state and tribal officials are jointly responding to the incident.

The cause of the failure of the tank, which occurred at a former feed lot property, is still under investigation. 

Sulphur Creek is used as an irrigation return drain by the Sunnyside Valley Irrigation District.