Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Changes in offshore oil and gas exploration and technology advances must not be an excuse to cut costs on safety, Lloyd’s Register Energy has said.

Lloyd’s Register Energy is challenging oil and gas companies to re-think their approach to safety, performance and technical innovation to secure the world’s changing energy supply in a sustainable way, from reservoir and refinery to beyond.

Jeff Baker, Lloyd’s Register Energy’s Technical Manager for Compliance Services in Australasia, said: “With a changing energy mix and increased challenges around innovative drilling techniques, the industry cannot afford to be complacent when it comes to safety.”

Lloyd’s Register Energy, the compliance, integrity and specialist risk consultancy services group, says industry must adapt to anticipated future market and technology developments, but that it must not lose sight of safety.

“All stakeholders across Australia have a responsibility and interest to assure the safety and reliability of new, ‘cleaner’ and more sustainable energy sources, to meet with increasing energy demands and government targets worldwide for reducing carbon emissions,” said Baker.

At Australasian Oil & Gas Exhibition (AOG) 2015 (Booth #U13) Lloyd’s Register Energy will be reinforcing its commitment to operators by “promoting more awareness and understanding of how assets should be managed with new technologies that help to secure upcoming energy sources to meet future energy demands”:

– NEW insight – FLNG developments;
– NEW insight – Operating with complete integrity;
– NEW insight – Subsea and BOP;
– NEW insight – Global oil and gas survey / client network findings;
– V Connect DEMONSTRATION – daily between 2 pm to 4 pm, showcasing software data management for all offshore assets.

“While industry is getting smarter at managing the performance of its key existing assets, there is still a long way ahead in adopting new innovations that better secure future oil recovery. We hope our insights for industry and the media will encourage the debate around change,” highlighted John Wishart, Group Energy Director of Lloyd’s Register.

According to the press release, 80% of the world’s offshore rigs are surveyed by Lloyd’s Register Energy’s drilling services business.

Baker said: “Safety must remain industry’s first priority and improvement must be a constant. We are looking to the future on how safety will change through technology and innovation, where safety will drive the best performing companies.”
Source: Lloyd’s Register Energy