Sunday, February 15, 2015

Unattended Cooking Starts Fire at Roanoke Co., Virginia Home

February 8, 2015 

Roanoke Co., VIRGINIA- 

Unattended cooking caused a fire in Roanoke County Sunday morning, according to fire and rescue officials.

They say just before 10 a.m., they got to the 7200 block of Wood Haven Road and found a fire coming from the kitchen.

Crews had the blaze under control in 15 minutes.

They say a woman left the kitchen and came back to find flames above her stove.

She and her dog did get out safely and were not hurt.

Crews estimate the damage at $60,000.

One thing fire officials recommend if you're cooking and have leave the kitchen, take a spatula with you to remind you to go back quickly and check on your food.