Saturday, January 31, 2015

Kiawah Development v. South Carolina Dept. of Health & Env. Ctrl.

Kiawah Development v. South Carolina Dept. of Health & Env. Ctrl.

Court: South Carolina Supreme Court 
Docket: 27065
Opinion Date: December 10, 2014
Areas of Law: Environmental Law, Government & Administrative Law, Real Estate & Property Law, Zoning, Planning & Land Use
The issue this case presented for the South Carolina Supreme Court's review centered on the correct application of those statutes and regulations pertinent to an invaluable (environmentally, economically, and socially) stretch of tidelands located on the edge of a spit of land along the South Carolina coast. 
A landowner and real estate developer sought a permit to construct a bulkhead and revetment stretching over 2,700 feet in length and 40 feet in width over the State's tidelands, thereby permanently altering 111,320 square feet or over 2.5 acres of pristine tidelands. 
The landowner sought to halt ongoing erosion along that stretch of tidelands in order to facilitate a residential development on the adjacent highland area. The Department of Health and Environmental Control denied the majority of the requested permit and granted a small portion to protect an existing county park. An administrative law court (ALC) disagreed and found a permit should be granted for the entire structure, and this appeal followed. 
The Supreme Court concluded the ALC committed several errors of law and therefore, it reversed and remanded for further consideration.